Vedanidhi Maha Shivaratri story

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Just before moving towards to know about “What is the story of Maha Shivaratri (Vedanidhi)“, let us know few basic information about the beautiful Lord Shiva family.

Lord Shiva is the head of this family. His consort name is Sri Parvati Devi.

They have two sons namely Ganesha and Kartikeya.

Ganesha has divine elephant face, while Kartikeya has 6 heads and thus Kartikeya is known as as ‘Shanmukha’.

(Here Shan + Mukha. Here Shan = 6 and Mukha = face).

They all stay in a divine place called Kailasha.

With all these four of them, there are multiple other divine people living in Kailasha.

Few of the names are Nandi, Bhrungi, many Ganas etc.

Lord Shiva’s mount is Nandi, Sri Parvati Devi’s mount is divine Lion, Ganesha’s mount is Mushaka (divine Mouse) and Kartikeya’s mount is Mayura (divine Peacock).

Now let us know briefly about Shivaratri: Shivaratri is the tithi (lunar day) on which Sri Brahma Deva and Sri Maha Vishnu had shown us why we need to worship Lord Shiva.

Here Shivaratri = Shiva + Ratri = Lord Shiva’s + Night. This is the day of Lord Shiva’s night.

In the city of Avanti there used to be a righteous brahmana. He had two sons, Sunidhi and Vedanidhi. Vedanidhi was wicked.

The king of Avanti was so pleased with the brahmana that he gave him a golden bangle as a present.

The brahmana took it home and gave it to his wife to store safely. 

There, it was discovered by Vedanidhi. Vedanidhi stole the ornament and gave it to a dancing-girl.

It so happened that the king was watching a dance performed by the dancing-girl and he noticed the bangle on the girl’s hand.

King found out from the girl that the bangle had been given to her by Vedanidhi.

King retrieved the bangle and called the brahmana.

“Do you remember the golden bangle that I had given you?” said the King. “Can you please return it to me? I need it.”

The brahmana hurried home and asked his wife for the bangle. But it could not be found and they realized that it was Vedanidhi who had stolen it.

Vedanidhi was banished from his parents’ house.

He wandered around here and there and begged food, so that he can fulfill his stomach needs.

One day, he did not get any food at all. That day happened to be the Great Shivaratri.

But Vedanidhi didn’t know this. Vedanidhi saw several people going to Lord Shiva’s temple with all sorts of offerings, including food, in their hands.

The evil Vedanidhi brahmana thought that he might be able to steal and eat this food.

Vedanidhi followed the devotees to the temple and waited till they should fall asleep.

When they did so, Vedanidhi crept up to the place where the offerings had been placed.

This was right in front of the Lord Shiva Linga.

It was very dark there and Vedanidhi could not see very well.

A lamp was burning and the shadow of the lamp fell on the Lord Shiva Linga.

Vedanidhi tore off a piece of cloth from his clothing and stuffed it into the lamp, so that it might burn better.

The flame rose and the shadow on the Lord Shiva Linga was removed. But, when Vedanidhi was about to steal the food, the devotees awoke.

Devotees gave chase to the thief and shot at him with arrows.

These arrow struck Vedanidhi and he died.

Sri Yama Deva’s messengers arrived and wanted to take the evil brahmana to hell.

But Lord Shiva’s companions also arrived and they would not permit Vedanidhi to be taken to hell.

The brahmana had fasted on Shivaratri day, he stayed awake at night and he had removed the shadow from the Lord Shiva Linga.

These were acts of the faithful, even if they had been performed unconsciously. Vedanidhi’s sins were all forgiven.

More information will be added to this on regular, please visit after some time to know more information.

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