September October November December in Gregorian calendar (originated from Sanskrit Hinduism) | Roman (Gregorian-Julius) calendar names originated from Sanskrit
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Just before going to “September October November December in Gregorian calendar (originated from Sanskrit Hinduism) | Roman calendar names originated from Sanskrit (Gregorian, Julius calendar)“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.
Today let us know something which is unrevealed to many people even today in the modern era.
Come on my dear friends, let’s start to how about “Roman calendar names originated from Sanskrit (Gregorian, Julius calendar)“:
Mainly there are two types of Christian or Roman calendars that exist in today’s world.
The first been the Julian calendar and the other been the Gregorian calendar.
Julian calendar was followed earlier, but nowadays the calendar followed by most parts of the world is called Gregorian calendar.
In Julian calendar the months were:
March | April | May | June | Quintilis | Sextilis | September | October | November | December |
Remember there were no January and February months in the Julian calendar.
This means they had:
March – 1st month | April – 2nd month | May – 3rd month | June – 4th month | Quintilis – 5th month |
Sextilis – 6th month | September – 7th month | October – 8th month | November – 9th month | December – 10th month |
Earlier in the Julian calendar the Easter was not coming in the right time and date, meaning, that is –
some times the Easter was coming in March month, some times the Easter was coming in April month, some times the Easter was coming in May month and so on.
Thus there was always a confusion in everybody’s mind to what is the exact date that Easter should be celebrated?
But later in the Fifteenth century a new calendar came into existence called Gregorian calendar where a constant Easter date was fixed.
Then, later the first two months that is, January and February months were added to the earlier Roman calendar of Julian.
Thus the total months became 12 months (Gregorian calendar) instead of 10 months (Julian calendar).
Now let us understand the relationship between the Julian calendar’s 10 month theory with the divine and perfect Hindu (Bharatiya Sanatana Dharma / Hinduism) words.
First let us understand the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 pronunciation in Hindu numerals.
Means, in Samskruta / Sanskrit the following is followed to pronounce the Hindu numerals:
Roman Sanskrit
1 One १ eka
2 Two २ dvi
3 Three ३ tri
4 Four ४ chatur
5 Five ५ pancha
6 Six ६ shaTh
7 Seven ७ sapta
8 Eight ८ ashTha
9 Nine ९ nava
10 Ten १० dasha
Now let us consider the last six numerals of the Samskruta / Sanskrit version, that is:
5 five ५ pancha
6 six ६ shaTh
7 seven ७ sapta
8 eight ८ ashTha
9 nine ९ nava
10 ten १० dasha
Now let us go back and consider the last six months from the Julian calendar, that is:
Quintilis, that is 5th month as per the Julian calendar
Sextilis, that is 6th month as per the Julian calendar
September, that is the 7th month as per the Julian calendar
October, that is the 8th month as per the Julian calendar
November, that is the 9th month as per the Julian calendar
December, that is the 10th month as per the Julian calendar
Here exist the secret, this means, now let us take the last six months’ names from the Julian calendar and last six numerals of the great Samskruta / Sanskrit numerals (Hindu numerals), that is:
Julian calendar Hindu numerals
Quintilis pancha
Sextilis shaTh
September sapta
October ashTha
November nava
December dasha
This means, the last six months of the Julian calendar or the Roman calendar is nothing but the words taken from the divine Samskruta / Sanskrit numerals.
The first six months of the Julian calendar are of the famous people of Europe.
Here only difference is pronunciation difference, that too very little.
Remember friends, all over the world the bhasha or language used is the divine Samskruta / Sanskrit bhasha or language.
All other language are just corrupted, edited, copied, changed etc. from the divine Hindu language “The divine Samskruta / Sanskrit language”.
People may have their own theories and practicality, but the reality remains the same.
Just see the above words all the last six words of the Julian calendar is nothing but a mispronounced words from the divine Samskruta / Sanskrit language.
No one can deny it.
Dear friends, not only these six words, but instead, all the English and other languages around the world are nothing but the divine Samskruta / Sanskrit language only.
For more information you can visit my another page where I have got over 1,000 words of many languages who’s root words are from the divine Samskruta / Sanskrit language.
Here is the link:
What are the English words originated from Sanskrit
More information will be added to this on regular, please visit after some time to know more information.
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Sanskrit language information, facts, details, importance, etc.
We should always respect our divine Samskruta / Sanskrit language forever. And also should learn and teach this divine Samskruta / Sanskrit language to everyone.
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Bharatiya Samskruta bhasha ki jai.
Sri Gurubhyo namaha
Sri Krishnaaya namaha
Sri Krishnaarpanamastu
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