Rishi Panchami (full) information, significance, importance, facts
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Just before going to “Rishi Panchami (full) information, significance, importance, facts“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.
Rishi Panchami 2023 date : Wed, Sep 20, 2023
Rishi Panchami full information, significance, importance, facts is as given below:
During the Dvapara Yuga the great King Yudhishthira requested Lord Sri Krishna to tell him about a vrata (vrat) (A vow is a promise) which can purify from all the sins.
Thus, Lord Sri Krishna told Yudhisthira about a vrata (vrat) (A vow is a promise) which when performed by women (and also by men) can free them from all their sins, which is termed as “Rishi Panchami”.
Who may perform Rishi Panchami : All women and men may perform Rishi Panchami.
1. Rishi panchami menstruation : Any woman, that is, any woman who’s husband is living or have lost her husband (widow) and also who can follow the correct Sanatana Sampradaya (customs), who is ready to shave her head, and also who can follow all the vidhis (rituals) correctly can perform Rishi Panchami.
2. Any woman, that is, who is above 50 years of age and her rajasvala / menstrual cycle (monthly rajasvala /menstrual period should have stopped) should have stopped, only that woman may perform Rishi Panchami.
3. About male – Males may perform this ritual, if his mother, grand mother have passed away or if they (mother and grand mother) are not fit physically to perform this ritual, that male can perform this ceremony.
When Rishi Panchami should be performed : People may perform this Rishi Panchami on Bhadrapada Masam (month), Shukla paksha, on the Panchami tithi (A day after Ganesh Chaturthi).
Process of performing Rishi Panchami : During the day of Rishi Panchami, devotees should take bath in auspicious and holy rivers or wells or lakes / ponds.
On this particular day, the devotees have to worship / do pooja of ‘Saptarshis’ along with Maharshi Vashishtha’s consort Sri Arundati Devi.
Rishi Panchami Vrata (vrat) period : The total period is seven Years. During the initial period or in the middle or in the end of the period ‘Udyaapana’ needs to be performed. Devotees have to fast on that particular day.
They have to do the pooja of all the Saptarshis and Maharshi Vashishtha’s consort Sri Arundathi Devi.
Uses of doing Rishi Panchami vrata (vrat) : If someone performs this vrata (vrat), she / he will get 10,000 Yagna phala (fruits). All ‘teertha yatra phala’ (fruits of visiting all the pilgrimage places) will be gained by doing this Rishi Panchami vrata (vrat).
Even if we get the darshanam (to see) of Saptarshis on this, we will get all our sins destroyed immediately.
Details about Sapta Rishis (Maharshis), their parents, consorts (wives) and their children:
List of Saptarishis names and their other information is as given below:
1. Kashyapa – Father = Mareechi – Wives = Diti, Aditi, etc. – Children = Hiranyakashipu (Hiranyakashyap), Hiranyaksha, Vamana (Vishnu avatar), Indra, etc.
2. Atri – Father = Chatur Mukha Brahma Deva – Wife = Anusuya – Children = Dattatreya (Vishnu avatar), Soma (Chandra and Brahma avatar), Durvasa (Shiva avatar).
3. Bharadwaja – Father = Guru Brahaspati – Wife = Susheela – Children = Dronacharya.
4. Vishwamitra – Father = Gadhiraja – Wife = Kumudhwati
5. Gautama – Father = Maharaja Rahogana – Wife = Ahalya – Children = Vamadeva, Nodha
6. Jamadagni – Father = Bhrigu – Wife = Renuka – Children = Parashurama
7. Vashishtha – Father = Chatur Mukha Brahma Deva – Wife = Arundati – Children = Shakti.
Now let us all know the greatness of our Great Saptarshis as given below:
Maharshi Kashyapa : Rishi Namaskara Stotram is as given below:
कश्यप: सर्वलोकाड्य: सर्वभूतहिते रत: । नराणां पापनाशाय ऋषिरूपेण तिष्यति ।
ಕಶ್ಯಪ: ಸರ್ವಲೋಕಾಡ್ಯ: ಸರ್ವಭೂತಹಿತೇ ರತ: | ನರಾಣಾಂ ಪಾಪನಾಶಾಯ ಋಷಿರೂಪೇಣ ತಿಷ್ಯತಿ |
kaśyapa: sarvalōkāḍya: sarvabhūtahitē rata: | narāṇāṁ pāpanāśāya r̥ṣirūpēṇa tiṣyati |
Maharshi Kashyapa is a ‘Brahmarshi’ and was a son of Kala (the daughter of Kardama Prajapati) and Mareechi (son of Lord Sri Brahma Deva). Maharshi Kashyapa married thirteen daughters of Daksha Prajapati.
From Maharshi Kashyapa all the Devatas (Demigods), asuras, prajas (people), plants, animals, insects, creatures, etc. were born.
The thirteen consorts / wives of Maharshi Kashyapa are: Sri Aditi Devi, Sri Diti Devi, Sri Danu Devi, Sri Kaala Devi, Sri Dhanu Devi, Sri Simhika Devi, Sri Krodha Pradha Devi, Sri Visva Devi, Sri Vinata Devi, Sri Kapila Devi, Sri Muni Devi and Sri Kadru Devi.
From Sri Aditi Devi and Maharshi Kashyapa had Dvadasha Adityas (12 Adityas) and saakshat svayam (directly) Lord Sri Vishnu was born as the son of Sri Aditi Devi and Maharshi Kashyapa as the avatar of Lord Sri Vamana Devi to control the asura (demon) King Bali Chakravarti (Mahabali).
Maharshi Kashyapa and Sri Aditi Devi’s sons names are : Dvadasha Adityas (12 Adityas) names are: Dhata, Mitra, Aryaman, Shakra, Varuna, Amsa, Bhaga, Vivaswan, Pusha, Saavitri, Tvashtri, Vishnu.
Maharshi Kashyapa and Sri Diti Devi’s sons are : (children of Sri Diti Devi are all daityas): examples are Hiranyakashipu, Hiranyaksha, etc. His daughter Simhika was married to Viprachitti.
Maharshi Kashyapa and Sri Dhanu Devi children are : They had forty sons – All are called as Daanavas.
Maharshi Kashyapa and Sri Kaala Devi children names are : They had many sons like Vinasana, Krodha, Krodhashantri, Krodasatru and others.
Maharshi Kashyapa and Sri Vinuta Devi children names are : They had sons like Tarkshya, Aristanemi, Garuda, Aruna, Aruni & Varuni.
Maharshi Kashyapa and Sri Kadru Devi children names are : They had sons like Shesha, Vasuki, Tashaka, etc. as snakes.
Maharshi Kashyapa and Sri Muni Devi children are : All Apsaras took birth.
Maharshi Atri
अत्रये च नमस्तुभ्यं सर्वभूतहितेषिणे । तपोरूपाय सत्याय ब्रह्मणेमिततेजसे ।
ಅತ್ರಯೇ ಚ ನಮಸ್ತುಭ್ಯಂ ಸರ್ವಭೂತಹಿತೇಷಿಣೇ | ತಪೋರೂಪಾಯ ಸತ್ಯಾಯ ಬ್ರಹ್ಮಣೇಮಿತತೇಜಸೇ |
atrayē ca namastubhyaṁ sarvabhūtahitēṣiṇē | tapōrūpāya satyāya brahmaṇēmitatējasē |
Maharshi Atri’s father was Lord Sri Brahma Deva. Maharshi Atri’s wife name is Sri Anusuya Devi [famously recognized as Sri Sati Anusuya Devi (she was daughter of Kardama prajapati)].
Maharshi Atri’s sons are Dattatreya (avatar of Lord Sri Vishnu), Durvasa (avatar of Lord Shiva) and Chandra (an amsha / ansh / part of Sri Brahma Deva in Chandra). Maharshi Atri is included in the Saptarshi Mandala. Maharshi Atri is also called as Brahmarshi.
All the three sons were born when Sri Anusuya Devi prayed to all the Tridevas (three Gods), that is, Lord Sri Brahma Dev, Lord Sri Vishnu and Lord Sri Maheshwara (Lord Shiva) to be born as her children.
Patrivrata shiromani Sati Sri Anusuya Devi
Earlier, Lord Sri Brahma Deva, Lord Sri Vishnu and Lord Sri Maheshwara (Lord Shiva), the Trideva (three Gods) decided to test the ‘pativrata shiromani’ Sri Anusuya Devi’s paativratya. This was done when Maharshi Atri was away.
Lord Sri Brahma Deva, Lord Sri Vishnu and Lord Sri Maheshwara (Lord Shiva) know her paativratya prabhava (significance of paativratya) and they thought of teaching her lessons to the common people.
But, in order to make the world to understand the greatness of Sri Anusuya Devi all the Tridevas, that is, Lord Sri Brahma Deva, Lord Sri Vishnu and Lord Sri Maheshwara (Lord Shiva) then did a leela, (they did this purposely to show the greatness of Sri Anusuya Devi).
The Tridevas came in the disguise of Brahmanas (Brahmins) and asked for the Bhiksha (alms) from Sri Anusuya Devi with the condition that she shall serve the bhiksha (alms) in nudity. Anusuya agreed for this.
Now, the great Sri Anusuya Devi was confused as to what to do and how to move forward.
Anusuya prayed the idol at her hermitage, which she usually worships and with her ‘paativratya prabhaava’, she converted all the three Brahmanas trio (in disguise) into small babies and offered them food without any clothing on her body (in nudity).
Later, after some time, the consort of the Tridevas, that is, Goddess Sri Maha Lakshmi Devi, Goddess Sri Sarasvati and Goddess Sri Parvati Devi came in search of their husbands to the house of Sri Anusuya Devi.
All the Tridevis (Goddesses) told that the Brahmanas who had come there were none other than the Tridevas, that is, Lord Sri Brahma Deva, Lord Sri Vishnu and Lord Sri Maheshwara (Lord Shiva).
Thus, later Anusuya Devi pleaded with her ‘paativratya prabhaava’ once again and the Tridevas got the original roopa (form).
One story : Once upon a time when Maharshi Atri was doing penance severely, the yogaagni (fire coming out while doing Yoga), which came out of the penance was burning the three lokas (worlds).
Thus, in order to cool the yogaagni, Lord Sri Brahma Deva, Lord Sri Vishnu and Lord Sri Maheshwara (Lord Shiva) came on Hamsa (Hansa) (swan) (Lord Sri Brahma Dev’s vahana), Garuda (Lord Sri Vishnu’s vahana) and Rushaba (Lord Shiva vahana) respectively.
At this point, Maharshi Atri was worshipping ‘sarvaantaryaami’ (antaryaami of all) Lord Sri Vishnu, but all the three Tridevas appeared in front of Maharshi Atri.
This happened because, Maharshi Atri was worshipping ‘Brahma and Rudra antaryaami’ (antaryaami of both Lord Sri Brahma Deva and Lord Sri Rudra Deva) , that is, Lord Sri Vishnu.
Maharshi Atri was worshipping ‘Vaikuntha vaasi’ (Who has abode in Vaikuntha), that is, Lord Sri Vishnu separately.
Maharshi Atri was pleading for sons like the Tridevas, that is, Lord Sri Brahma Deva, Lord Sri Rudra Deva and Lord Sri Vishnu.
When the Tridevas came, Maharshi Atri asked like this : “I was worshipping only ‘Jagadeeshwara’ (Lord Sri Vishnu), but how come you all the Tridevas have appeared altogher.”
For this Lord Sri Maha Vishnu replied like this : “you have done the ‘dhyana’ (meditation) of mine (Lord Sri Vishnu) in Trimurthy. That is why we all have come.”
(We should remember that, like Lord Sri Vishnu’s forms, forms of Lord Sri Brahma Deva and Lord Shiva will not be seen separately.)
Thus Maharshi Atri got Lord Sri Vishnu as son in the ‘Datta roopa’ (Dattatreya – this means Datta + atreya = someone who has give himself as datta / donation to Atri Maharshi).
Lord Shiva was born as Durvaasa Muni. But since Lord Sri Brahma Deva has no avatar on earth, a Devata (Demigod) called Chandra with the special avesha (part) of Lord Sri Brahma Deva was born.
Thus, Lord Sri Brahma Deva (Chandra), Lord Sri Vishnu (Dattatreya) and Lord Shiva (Durvasa Muni) were born as the children of Maharshi Atri and Sri Anusuya Devi.
Note: Here we should that, Lord Sri Dattatreya doesn’t has three faces. But the meaning of Dattatreya is, someone who is born as a ‘Datta putra’ (donated son) to the Atri Maharshi.
Here, Dattatreya = Datta + Atreya = Datta (donated himself) + son of Atreya = Dattatreya. This is similar to ‘Kounteya’, that is, son of Kunti (Arjuna) or ‘Anjaneya’ that is Anjana’s son Anjaneya.
The three faces of Dattatreya is incorrect. Dattatreya is having one single face and two others born are having separate bodies (Lord Shiva as Durvasa Muni and Lord Sri Brahma Deva’s one avesha amsha / part as Chandra).
Maharshi Bharadwaja
भरध्वाज नमस्तुभ्यं सदा ध्यानपरायण । महाजटिलधर्मात्मन् पापं संहर मे सदा ।
ಭರಧ್ವಾಜ ನಮಸ್ತುಭ್ಯಂ ಸದಾ ಧ್ಯಾನಪರಾಯಣ | ಮಹಾಜಟಿಲಧರ್ಮಾತ್ಮನ್ ಪಾಪಂ ಸಂಹರ ಮೇ ಸದಾ |
bharadhvāja namastubhyaṁ sadā dhyānaparāyaṇa | mahājaṭiladharmātman pāpaṁ sanhara mē sadā |
Maharshi Bharadwaja’s father name is Guru Sri Bruhaspati. Maharshi Bharadwaja’s mother name is Sri Mamata Devi.
Maharshi Bharadwaja’s wife name is Sri Suseela Devi. Maharshi Bharadwaja’s son name is Sri Gargacharya.
Maharshi Bharadwaja was brought up by Bharata Chakravarti (son of Dushyanta and Shakuntala).
Few important point about Maharshi Bharadwaja are as given below:
1. Lord Sri Rama had stayed in Maharsi Bharadvaja’s ashram (hermitage) during his vanavasa (forest exile).
2. In the vamsha / vansh / family of Maharshi Bharadvaja, there are many Veda drashtaara Rishis (Rishis / Sages belonging to the Vedas).
3. In the Pancharatra, there is one grantha (Hindu Text) named ‘Bharadvaja samhita’.
4. There is ‘Bharadvaja smruti’ in the ‘Padma Purana’:
जटिलं तपसा सिद्धं यग्न सूत्राक्षधारीनं | कुमंडलुधरं सत्यं भरद्वाजं नतोस्म्यहं |
ಜಟಿಲಂ ತಪಸಾ ಸಿದ್ಧಂ ಯಜ್ಞಸೂತ್ರಾಕ್ಷಧಾರಿಣಂ | ಕಮಂಡಲುಧರಂ ನಿತ್ಯಂ ಭರದ್ವಾಜಂ ನತೋಽಸ್ಮ್ಯಹಂ |
jaṭilaṁ tapasā sid’dhaṁ yajñasūtrākṣadhāriṇaṁ | kamaṇḍaludharaṁ nityaṁ bharadvājaṁ natō̕smyahaṁ |
Maharshi Bharadvaja was born as the son of Guru Sri Brihaspati (Guru of Devatagans). Later Guru Sri Brihaspati himself was born as the son of Maharshi Bharadvaja with the name ‘Dronacharya’ (Guru for Pandavas and Kauravas).
Maharshi Bharadvaja parents were Guru Sri Bruhaspati and Sri Mamata Devi. After Maharshi Bharadvaja’s birth, his mother Sri Mamata Devi refused to take care of her child.
Also, Maharshi Bharadvaja’s father Guru Sri Brihaspati refused to take care of his child. Thus, the Marud Gana (Demigod) came forward to take care of Maharshi Bharadvaja and was handed over to Bharata Chakravarti.
Bharata Chakravarti had three wives and all had one child each. But none was so smart as Bharata Chakravarti. But to ensure that Bharata Chakravarti is not angry at them, they (three wives) killed their children.
Bharata Chakravarti was completely clueless about this and he was worried that who would be his successor. Then the Devatas (Demigods) gave the child Maharshi Bharadvaja to the king (Bharata Chakravarti).
This child was brought up nicely by the Bharata Chakravarti himself as his own son and finally Maharshi Bharadvaja was declared as Bharata Chakravarti’s successor.
One the other hand, Maharshi Bharadvaja was not at all interested in the political affairs. Maharshi Bharadvaja instructed the king Bharata Chakravarti to do several yajna and yagas and thus Bharata Chakravarti got one more son by the name Brumanyu.
Thus, this Brumanyu was made the king and Maharshi Bharadvaja left for penance to the forest.
Maharshi Vishwamitra
विश्वामित्र नमस्तुभ्यं ज्वलन्मुख महाबल । प्रत्यक्षीकृतगायत्र तपोरूपेण संस्थित: ।
ವಿಶ್ವಾಮಿತ್ರ ನಮಸ್ತುಭ್ಯಂ ಜ್ವಲನ್ಮುಖ ಮಹಾಬಲ | ಪ್ರತ್ಯಕ್ಷೀಕೃತಗಾಯತ್ರ ತಪೋರೂಪೇಣ ಸಂಸ್ಥಿತ: |
viśvāmitra namastubhyaṁ jvalanmukha mahābala | pratyakṣīkr̥tagāyatra tapōrūpēṇa sansthita: |
Some information about Maharshi Vishwamitra:
1. The great Maharshi Vishwamitra was born as a Kshatriya to Gadhiraja and obtained the status of a Brahmana (Brahmin) after doing tapas for thousands of years.
2. The great Maharshi Vishwamitra had the distinction of becoming the Guru for svayam (directly) Lord Sri Rama in Ayodhya.
3. The great Maharshi Vishwamitra is known for his very hard, steady and tremendous tapas (penance). He became a Brahmana (Brahmin), Maharshi and also Brahmana by doing really long long long tapas for thousands of years.
4. The great Maharshi Vishwamitra is termed as “vishwamitra” because he was very friendly with almost most of the people (vishwamitra = vishwa + mitra = world + friend = friend with almost everyone).
5. The great Maharshi Vishwamitra took Lord Sri Rama and Lakshmana to Siddashrama (a hermitage) and did the samarpana of all his vidyas (knowledge) to both of them and requested Lord Sri Rama to kill demons like Tataki, Maricha, Subahu.
6. The great Maharshi Vishwamitra even though once had got seduced by the ‘Deva Kanya’ (an apsara) Sri Menaka Devi and begotten a daughter Shakuntala.
But later once again another ‘Deva Kanya’ (an apsara) Sri Rambha Devi who was much more beautiful and attractive than Sri Menaka Devi tried to seduce ‘The great Maharshi Vishwamitra’, but was completely failed.
[This happened as per the likings of Lord Sri Vishnu, as a great king had to be born in the future, that is, Bharata Chakravarti. If a great king has to be born means, then the parents should also be great.]
[Thus, both the greats Maharshi Vishwamitra and Sri Menaka Devi gave birth Shakuntala.]
[And this beautiful Shakuntala gave birth to the Great Bharata Chakravarti, who became the ‘eka maatra saamrat’ (single king of the world) of the whole world].
This is the greatness of our ‘The great Maharshi Vishwamitra’.
Maharshi Gautama
गौतम: सर्वलोकानां ऋषीणां च सदा प्रिय: । श्रौतानां कर्मणां चैव संप्रदायप्रवर्तक: ।
ಗೌತಮ: ಸರ್ವಲೋಕಾನಾಂ ಋಷೀಣಾಂ ಚ ಸದಾ ಪ್ರಿಯ: | ಶ್ರೌತಾನಾಂ ಕರ್ಮಣಾಂ ಚೈವ ಸಂಪ್ರದಾಯಪ್ರವರ್ತಕ: |
gautama: Sarvalōkānāṁ r̥ṣīṇāṁ ca sadā priya: | Śrautānāṁ karmaṇāṁ caiva sampradāyapravartaka: |
About Maharshi Gautama
1. Maharshi Gautama is the author of ‘Tarka’ (or ‘Tarka Shastra’), that is, ‘Thinking Logically’ and wrote sutras called “Gautama Sutras” pertaining to ‘Nyaya shastra’ (truth).
2. Lord Sri Rama by virtue of just touching his foot, a rock turned a woman, that is, Sri Ahalya Devi got her human form.
This Sri Ahalya Devi was none other then wife of Maharshi Gautama. Sri Ahalya Devi had become a stone due to the curse of her own husband, that is, Maharishi Gautama.
3. Maharshi Gautama had done excess penance, beyond his capacity.
Thus to reduce the phala (rewards) Lord Sri Vishnu made Maharshi Gautama to curse at Lord Sri Indra Deva and loose his ‘tapa phala’ (penance rewards) and thus Lord Sri Vishnu made Maharshi Gautama to curse both Lord Sri Indra Deva and Sri Ahalya Devi.
4. Once upon a time, there was huge feminine in the whole country. But only place where there was no problem was at the ashrama (hermitage) of our Maharshi Gautama.
This happened as our Maharshi Gautama had the great ‘punya phala’ (sacred rewards) by doing great tapas (penance) earlier.
Maharshi Jamadagni
जमदग्निर्महातेजा: तपसा कल्पितं धनं । लोकेषु धर्मसिद्द्यर्थं सर्वपापं निवर्तय ।
ಜಮದಗ್ನಿರ್ಮಹಾತೇಜಾ: ತಪಸಾ ಕಲ್ಪಿತಂ ಧನಂ | ಲೋಕೇಷು ಧರ್ಮಸಿದ್ದ್ಯರ್ಥಂ ಸರ್ವಪಾಪಂ ನಿವರ್ತಯ |
jamadagnirmahātējā: Tapasā kalpitaṁ dhanaṁ | lōkēṣu dharmasiddyarthaṁ sarvapāpaṁ nivartaya |
About Maharshi Jamadagni : Maharshi Jamadagni’s father was Rishi Ruchika. Maharshi Jamadagni’s mother was Sri Satyavati Devi.
Maharshi Jamadagni’s wife name was Sri Renuka Devi. Maharshi Jamadagni’s sons names were Parashurama, Rumanvanta, SuShENa, Vasu and Vishvavasu.
Maharshi Jamadagni’s great assets were Kamadhenu (wish fulfulling cow) and his tapas / penance.
About birth of Jamadagni : Once upon a time in the Treta Yuga, there lived a king named Maharaja Gadhi.
This Maharaja Gadhi had a beautiful daughter and her name was Satyavati. Rishi Rucheeka asked the king to get her (Satyavati) married to him.
For this Maharaja Gadhi asked for ‘kanya shulka’ (Bride dowry). This is as give below:
“One who wish to marry his daughter must bring in 1,000 horse, which has one of its ears black in color and the remaining body of the horse shall be white in color”.
Rishi Ruchika agreed to this and went to Lord Sri Varuna Deva. Lord Sri Varuna Deva in turn agreed to give the required number of horses in the desired quality.
Thus, Rishi Ruchika handed over all the horses to the Maharaja Gadhi and got his daughter (Satyavati) married to him.
Maharaja Gadhi was able to realize the greatness and “tapas” (penance) of the Rishi Ruchika and he sought the Rishi to get a male child through a yajna, as he did not had male child.
Rishi Ruchika agreed to this and did different ‘abhi-mantrana’ of “charu” (a type of juice) and gave one for his wife and one for his mother-in-law.
Both his wife and mother-in-law took the “charu” separately meant for them. But here, Rishi Ruchika’s mother-in-law thought, “as the husband has more love for his wife, he would have kept more ‘mantra shakti’ for his wife”.
Thus, this mother-in-law asked her daughter Satyavati “to interchange the same”, for which Satyavati agreed.
Thus now, Maharaja Gadhi’s wife took the “charu” (a type of juice) meant for Satyavati and Satyavati took the “charu” meant for her mother. Rishi Ruchika came to know about this later.
Rishi Ruchika had done the abhi-mantrana of “charu” with the intention of “Kshatriya” quality son for his father-in-law and a “Brahmana son” as his own son.
Thus, Rishi Ruchika didn’t liked the interchange which his wife and his mother-in-law had done.
But, however, with his mantra shakti, Rishi Ruchika got a Brahmana type of son in the form of Jamadagni.
Thus, in this way Rishi Ruchika got sage Jamadagni as his son, who in turn got Lord Sri Parashurama with Kshatriya Tejas (brilliance). While, Maharaja Gadhi got son by name Kaushika, who is famous as sage Vishwamitra.
Jamadagni Rishi had the distinction of becoming the father of Lord Sri Vishnu’s avatar of Lord Sri Parashurama.
Story of Jamadagni and his son Parashurama:
Once in Treta Yuga Sri Renuka Devi (Jamadagni’s wife and Lord Sri Parashurama’s mother) had gone to bring water. At the particular time, a Gandharva named ‘Chitraratha’ had come with his wives for ‘jala-kreeda’ (water sports) in a nearby river.
Sri Renuka Devi upon seeing them also dreamed of such a sukha (happiness), for a fraction of a second.
Rishi Jamadagni on seeing her realized that she had been a ‘maanasika vyabhichaara’ (mentally thinking about intimacy). Thus, Rishi Jamadagni rejected Sri Renuka Devi and asked his sons to remove her head immediately.
The first four sons refused to do so and as they refused the ‘pitru vaakya paripaalana’ (to fulfill the words of father), Rishi Jamadagni cursed them to die.
Thus, all the first four sons of Rishi Jamadagni died after this curse. Now, it’s the job of the fifth son Lord Sri Parashurama.
Lord Sri Parashurama who had gone to forest for bringing samith (dry wooden sticks). Rishi Jamadagni ordered Lord Sri Parashurama to kill his mother immediately.
Lord Sri Parashurama, without even a single hesitation removed his own mother’s head instantly. Now Rishi Jamadagni was pleased with is son Lord Sri Parashurama and asked his son to seek the boons.
Lord Sri Parashurama immediately sought the boon that his mother and brothers to get back the life.
Lord Sri Parashurama also asked for the boon that his mother shall not have the sin of ‘vyabhichaara’ (feeling intimate) and his brothers shall not have the sin of not fulfilling the ‘pitru vaakya paripaalana’.
Rishi Jamadagni offered both of these boons and all their (Rishi Jamadagni’s 4 sons and wife’s sins) sins were cleared and they all got back life again.
Story of Jamadagni and ‘Kartavirya Arjuna’ is as given below:
Once in Treta Yuga, the king by name Kartavirya Arjuna (Karta + Virya + Arjuna), who had the blessings of Lord Sri Dattatreya (son of Maharshi Atri), went for hunting into forests.
There Kartavirya Arjuna was very tired and was needed some rest. Thus to take rest Kartavirya Arjuna went to the an ashrama (hermitage) of Rishi Jamadagni.
At this time Rishi Jamadagni called his Daivi / divine Go (cow) Kamadhenu and gave a very good hospitality with very highly tasty and nutritious food to Kartaveeryarjuna and his soldiers.
King Kartavirya Arjuna asked Rishi Jamadagni, as to how he could give such a great hospitality to them all in no time (there were thousands of soldiers in the Kartavirya Arjuna’s army).
Rishi Jamadagni told the importance of the Daivi / divine Go (cow) Kamadhenu to Kartaveeryarjuna.
Rishi Jamadagni explained the powers the Daivi / divine Go (cow) Kaamadhenu has. After hearing the greatness of the Daivi / divine Go (cow) Kamadhenu, Kartavirya Arjuna wished to have that cow for himself.
Thus, Kartavirya Arjuna took the Kamadhenu and it’s calf forcefully with him to his palace.
Rishi Jamadagni could not do any thing at this point of juncture, as he didn’t like to see blood in his ashrama (hermitage) and also Rishi Jamadagni had promised his son Lord Sri Parashurama that he will always be in study mind and in peace of mind.
(Note : This happened when Lord Sri Parashurama’s 4 brothers and his mother came back to life).
Lord Sri Parashurama, who was away came back to his father’s ashrama (hermitage) and learnt about everything that happened in his absence.
Thus, Lord Sri Parashurama went to the King Kartavirya Arjuna’s place and asked King Kartaveeryarjuna to give back the Daivi / divine Go (cow) Kamadhenu to him.
But, King Kartavirya Arjuna insisted that he won’t give back the Kamadhenu cow and started to fight with Lord Sri Parashurama.
Thus, in the fight Lord Sri Parashurama killed Kartavirya Arjuna and brought back the Daivi / divine Go (cow) Kamadhenu and it’s calf back to his father’s ashrama (hermitage).
Later, Kartavirya Arjuna’s sons again came back to Rishi Jamadagni’s ashrama and killed the Rishi Jamadagni (at this time also Lord Sri Parashurama was absent), who was on doing meditation.
Later, Lord Sri Parashurama on his return took the oath that ‘such entire Kshatriya parampara would be killed by him shortly’.
Lord Sri Parashurama did the same by killing all the “dusta Kshatriyas” (inhuman Kshatriyas) and constructed the “samantapanchaka” named pond for ‘Rakta tarpana’ (blood bath of type) for the forefathers in a place called Kurukshetra.
After this, Rishi Jamadagni was included in the ‘saptarshi’ group.
Maharshi Vashishtha and Arundhati
नमस्तुभ्यं वसिष्टाय जटिलाय महात्मने । धर्मरूपाय सत्याय लोकानां हितकारिणे ।
ನಮಸ್ತುಭ್ಯಂ ವಸಿಷ್ಟಾಯ ಜಟಿಲಾಯ ಮಹಾತ್ಮನೇ | ಧರ್ಮರೂಪಾಯ ಸತ್ಯಾಯ ಲೋಕಾನಾಂ ಹಿತಕಾರಿಣೇ |
namastubhyaṁ vasiṣṭāya jaṭilāya mahātmanē | dharmarūpāya satyāya lōkānāṁ hitakāriṇē |
अभ्यर्णपतिका देवी वसिष्टस्य प्रिय: सदा । अरुंधतीति विख्याता तां नमस्यामि सर्वदा ।
ಅಭ್ಯರ್ಣಪತಿಕಾ ದೇವೀ ವಸಿಷ್ಟಸ್ಯ ಪ್ರಿಯ: ಸದಾ | ಅರುಂಧತೀತಿ ವಿಖ್ಯಾತಾ ತಾಂ ನಮಸ್ಯಾಮಿ ಸರ್ವದಾ |
abhyarṇapatikā dēvī vasiṣṭasya priya: Sadā | arundhatīti vikhyātā tāṁ namasyāmi sarvadā |
The great Maharshi Vasishtha was a great ‘tapasvi’ (penancer) and he had the distinction of getting Lord (Sage) Sri Vedavyasa (an avatar of Lord Sri Vishnu) as his great grandson.
The great Maharshi Vashishtha’s son was Sakti. Sakti’s son was Parashara. Lord (Sage) Sri Vedavyasa was born to the couple Rishi Parashara and Sri Satyavati Devi.
The great Maharshi Vashistha was the chief priest and advisor for entire vamsha (vansh) (family) of Suryavamsha (Suryavansh) (Solar Dynasty) (Dasharatha Maharaja family).
Under the great Maharshi Vashistha’s pourohitya (priest) only Lord Sri Rama married Goddess Sri Lakshmi avatar Sri Sita Devi.
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Maharishi information, facts, importance, significance, etc.
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