What is humanity according to Hinduism? | What do Hindus think about human life? | What do Hindus believe about humanity and the universe? | How human is valued in hinduism
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Just before going to “What is humanity according to Hinduism? | What do Hindus think about human life? | What do Hindus believe about humanity and the universe? | How human is valued in hinduism“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.
As per Sanskrit language, Human means ‘manushya’ (मनुष्य) and ‘nity’ or ‘neeti’ (नीती) means someone who not only belongs to the ‘sanAtana dharma’ but also follows it.
Few other meanings of ‘neeti’ are job, work, policy, dharma, equity, correct path, principles etc.
Thus, people who follow the correct ‘neeti’ or ‘dharma’ or ‘sanatana dharma’ are called humans with ‘humanity’ (manushyatva) (मनुष्यत्व) irrespective of religion. He may be a Hindu, Chrishtian, Muslim, or any religion on earth.
This humanity can’t be shown to ‘adharmis’, that is, who doesn’t follow the correct ‘dharma’.
For example in earlier days, the so called humans like ‘Duryodhana’, ‘Dushasana’, ‘Shakuni’, etc. never followed any ‘dharma’ that’s the reason they were killed in such a way by ‘Pandavas’.
The main difference between these ‘Kauravas’ and ‘Pandavas’ is only one thing. That is, ‘dharma’ (धर्म) or ‘neeti’ (नीती) (righteousness) and ‘adharma’ (अधर्म) or ‘aneeti’ (अनीती) (unrighteousness).
In more deeply if we go, the Kauravas (Duryodhana and his group) never-ever followed the right path. They always wanted to kill the Pandavas and always did the unrighteousness things.
Duryodhana was always jealous of the Pandavas. He was wanting everything, he never tried to achieve it by his own hard work. He always blackmailed his elders through out his life.
Duryodhana made the worst decisions by bringing the Draupadi Devi into the hall after the dice game.
Duryodhan was the most arrogant person on the earth at that time and also he was the most inhuman person on the earth.
Duryodhana was not stupid, but he was 100% inhuman. For your information, I would like to inform you that he is the Kali of the Kali Yuga.
Yes, he is the Kali (read as Kali and not as Kaali). He is the reincarnation of the Kali Yuga’s Kali, a demon.
Even today, we can see many many ‘adharmis’ (unrighteous people), who don’t follow the Lord Sri Krishna’s instructions even in a smallest way.
Many want money, many need women, many need muscled men, many need easy ways, many need to become Millionaires and Billionaires without any hardships, many want to become CM, PM, Ministers etc. etc. etc.
But that would never happen… Whatever we do as our daily Karma (this includes our earlier lives Karmas also), only that we will gain.
If we do good Karma (good deeds), we will get the good fruits of our Karma. And if we do the bad Karma (anything against the Dharma – bad deeds), we will get the fruits of the same.
Please remember that ‘Humanity’ can’t be showed to all.
Even in modern days (I am talking about last one thousand years), we the people of India welcomed many like Europeans, Islam, etc. to our nation. But we all very well know what happened all these years.
So, finally what we need to understand here is that ‘show neeti (righteousness) only to real humans’ who follow the ‘dharma’ (righteous things) and not to ‘adharmis’ (unrighteous people).
Always remember (as per Hinduism / Sanatana Dharma), ‘धर्मो रक्षति, रक्षितः’ | ‘ಧರ್ಮೋ ರಕ್ಷತಿ, ರಕ್ಷಿತಃ’ | ‘dharmo rakshati, rakshitaha’ |
If you are in the path of ‘dharma’ means, ‘dharma’ will definitely save us. If we are not in the path of ‘dharma’, then ‘dharma’ will also provide fruits as per your Karma. This is 100% guaranteed.
In Hindu Text there is a popular saying : मानव सेवा माधव सेवा | ಮಾನವ ಸೇವಾ ಮಾಧವ ಸೇವಾ | mānava sēvā mādhava sēvā |
Meaning : Service to humanity is service to Lord Sri Madhava (Vishnu) (Krishna) (God).
Continue reading about Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) : Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) information, facts, etc.
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Sri Krishnaaya namaha
Sri Krishnaarpanamastu
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