Ghati Subramanya Facts, Importance, Significance, History | What is special about Ghati Subramanya?

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Just before going to “Ghati Subramanya Facts, Importance, Significance, History | What is special about Ghati Subramanya?“, let us have a brief some brief information.

Lord Sri Subramanya is the second son of Lord Shiva and Sri Parvati Devi. The main cause for the birth of Lord Sri Subramanya was to slay the demon Tarakasura.

Lord Sri Subramanya has two consorts and their names are Devasena or Devayani and Valli.

Other names of Lord Sri Subramanya are Kartikeya, Skanda, Kumara, Murugan, Shanmukha, etc. His main abode is in Kailasha. His mount is a divine peacock. His day of worship is on Tuesdays. His loving color is red.

Lord Sri Subramanya is a very popular Deity in Hindu Sanatana Dharma and he is worshiped across the country especially in South India.

As said above, he is the younger son of Lord Shiva and Sri Parvati Devi. Lord Sri Subramanya is the commander-in-chief of army of Gods and he is the one who slayed the demon Tarakasura.

Lord Sri Subramanya is having an unique and important place among the Bhagavan Sri Vishnu and other Devatas (Demigods). He is associated with all the Trimurtis, that is, Trinal Gods.

Lord Sri Subramanya has different avatars and different names.

Lord Subramanya different avatars and names with the meaning are as given below:

1. Manmatha : First avatar was Manmatha (Lord Sri Kama Deva). Manmatha is the son of Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu.

2. Sanatkumara : Then later he takes the avatar as Sanatkumara as the son of Lord Sri Brahma Deva (Born as the Manasa Putra / born from the mind).

3. Skanda : Again later, he is born as Skanda (Kartikeya / Subramanya / Murugan) as the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Sri Parvati Devi.

4. Bharata : As the brother of Bhagavan Lord Sri Rama.

5. Samba : Born as the son of Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna & Sri Jambavati Devi (Her original name is Sri Rohini Devi. As she is the daughter of Jambavan, she is also known as Sri Jambavati Devi. She is an avatar of Sri Tulasi Devi.)

6. Pradyumna : During Dwapara Yuga, Subramanya (Kama Deva) takes two avatar.

One is as said above as Samba and the second is again the son of Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna, whereas mother will be Sri Rukmini Devi. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna and Sri Rukmini Devi’s son is Pradyumna.

7. Sudarshana : Sudarshana is an avatar of Manmatha (Sri Kama Deva). The divine chakra (disc) which Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu holds is the Sudarshana.

8. Shanmukha : Lord Sri Subramanya is also known as Shanmukha as he is having 6 faces. In Sanskrit ‘shan’ means 6 and mukha means face.

9. Kartikeya : Lord Sri Subramanya’s another name is Kartikeya. He was raised by six Krittikas and thus he is also known as Kartikeya.

The six Krittikas names are Śiva, Sambhūti, Prīti, Sannati, Anasūya and Kṣamā.

10. Saravanabhava : He has another name called as SarAvaNabHava. He is the one who has emerged out from a highly powerful and divine tejass (energy) of Lord Shiva that was initially held by Sri Agni Deva (The Fire God) and dropped into the holy Ganga (Ganges) river.

This was later pushed into a lake called Saravana and pushed to the reedy bushes on its banks. Saravana lake is believed to be the makeover of the divine mother Goddess Sri Parvati Devi.

And since, he has emerged out on the laws of Saravana, he came to be known as SaraVanabHava. In Sanskrit Bhava means born.

11. Guha : He is also called as Guha as he is the one who dwells in caves. Many places in India we can find mountains and caves as the abode / temples of Lord Sri Subramanya.

12. Skanda : Since He was born from the powerful and divine energy that got spilled / pushed, he is known as Skanda. In Sanskrit Skanda means spilling.

He is Ayonija (In Sanskrit, Ayonija means, he is someone who is not born from the womb). Also, in Sanskrit Skanda means an attacker, a warrior, one who destroys the enemies, etc.

13. Kunkuma Rakta Varnam : He is someone whose complexion is red in color like Kunkuma (vermilion).

14. Mahamatim (Mahaamatim) : He is the one who is wise.

15. Divya Mayura Vahanam : He is having a mount (vehicle) of a Mayura (Peacock).

16. Rudrasya Sunum (Soonum) : He is the son of Sri Rudra Deva (Lord Shiva).

17. SurasaiNya Natham (Naatham) : He is the one who is commander-in-chief of army of Devatas (Demigods). He is also known as Devasenapati.

There are several temples dedicated to Lord Sri Subramanya spread across the country and some of them are divine pilgrim centers famous as Sri Subramanya Kshetrams.

One such temple which is of rare significance is located at Ghati (About 60 km from Benglauru) in Karnataka state.

According to Sthala Purana (Local stories / Temple legend) Ghati is the place where Lord Sri Subramanya performed tapas / penance in the guise of a serpent.

[Lord Sri Subramanya is a form of serpent. He is the second most important serpent. First been the Sri Shesha Naga, second is Sri Subramanya and third is the Sri Vasuki (Lord Shiva’s serpent).]

There is an age old sampradaya / tradition of worshipping Lord Sri Subramanya in ‘Sarpa roopa’ (serpent form).

Inside the caves in the mountain ranges of this Ghati area before going to kill the demon Tarakasura, Lord Sri Subramanya did the tapas / penance.

Ghati is also a very important place. In the same place of Ghati, Lord Sri Subramanya invoked protection from Bhagavan Sri Narasimha for the serpentine clan from Sri Garuda Deva’s scare.

As a sampradaya / tradition, Sri Garuda Deva the divine mount of Bhagavan Sri Vishnu is known to be an enemy of Serpentine tribe.

With the combination of the above said episodes, the temple at Ghati is uniquely dedicated to both deities, that is Bhagavan Sri Narasimha (Sri Lakshmi Narasimha) and Lord Sri Subramanya. This is a rarest combination on earth (Zoom the right side of the image to see the same).

The more fascination fact about this temple is that, both Deities are carved on a single self manifested (swayambhu) deities with Lord Sri Subramanya in a seven hooded serpent form (cobra) facing east and Bhagavan Sri Lakshmi Narasimha facing west.

We can view Bhagavan Sri Lakshmi Narasimha through strategically placed mirror inside the ‘garbha gudi / sthala’ (sanctum sanctorum) of the temple.

Now, let us know how the name Ghati came into existence:

In Sanskrit, a Ghata means a pot (Kalash). A serpent’s hood resembles that of a pot and Ghati is the place where Lord Sri Subramanya lived in the form of Ghata Sarpa / serpent.

Also, in Hindi Ghat means, a mountain range and this temple of Lord Sri Subramanya is located in the mountain ranges. Ghati is the place where Lord Sri Subramanya killed a demon called Ghatikasura.

According to temple records, the temple at Ghati Subramanya Kshetram has a history of more than 600 years and it was first built by Ghorpade erstwhile rulers of Sandur dynasty.

This highly divine and rare deity was a self manifested deity and this was unearthed by the King with the help of local citizens as per the directions (dream) given by Lord Sri Subramanya himself.

This pilgrimage place Ghati, has become one of the major pilgrim centers of Karnataka state and due to the serpentine form of Lord Sri Subramanya the place is also revered as a Naga Kshetram.

Thousands and lakhs of devotees visit this temple for worshiping Lord Sri Subramanya as a remedy for various negative results from Kuja (Planet Mars) especially Kuja (Angaraka) Dosha, marital related problems and prosperity, as a remedy for malefic effects from Rahu, Sarpa / Naga Dosha, for attaining progeny, etc.

And also for the remedy for health problems especially chronic skin diseases like leprosy, leukoderma, relief from enemies (both internal & external), relief from debts apart from overall prosperity and general wellbeing.

Ghati Subramanya Kshetram can be reached by road via Doddaballapura about 45 km from Bangalore and from there Ghati is about 15 km distance.

Nearest railway station is Makalidurga about 5 km from Ghati on the Bengaluru – Guntakal line. Nearest airport is Bengaluru International Airport at Devanahalli which is about 30 km from Ghati.

The temple is open on all the week days from morning 06.30 am to night 09.00 pm.

Temple car festival is held every year on the 6th lunar day (Shukla Shashti) during Pushya masam apart from, special celebrations held on other important occasions as per the calendar for worship of Lord Sri Subramanya and Bhagavan Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy.

‘Dhyana shlokam’ about Lord Sri Subramanya:

षडाननं कुम्कुम रक्त वर्णं
महामतिं दिव्य मयूर वाहनम्
रुद्रस्य सूनुं सुरसैन्य नाथं
गुहं सदाहं शरणं प्रपद्ये

ಷಡಾನನಂ ಕುಂಕುಮ ರಕ್ತ ವರ್ಣಂ
ಮಹಾಮತಿಂ ದಿವ್ಯ ಮಯೂರ ವಾಹನಂ
ರುದ್ರಸ್ಯಸೂನುಂ ಸುರಸೈನ್ಯ ನಾಥಮ್
ಗುಹಂ ಸದಾಹಂ ಶರಣಂ ಪ್ರಪದ್ಯೇ

ṣaḍānanaṁ kuṅkuma rakta varṇaṁ
mahāmatiṁ divya mayūra vāhanaṁ
rudrasyasūnuṁ surasain’ya nātham
guhaṁ sadāhaṁ śaraṇaṁ prapadyē

Meaning of the above shloka: You are the one who has six faces (ṣaḍānanaṁ / Subramanya / Kartikeya), you are the one who has dark red color (rakta varṇaṁ) like kumkuma (kuṅkuma).

You are the one who possesses great knowledge (mahāmatiṁ), you are the one who has the divine peacock to ride on (divya mayūra vāhanaṁ), you are the one who is the son of Sri Rudra Deva (Shiva) (rudrasyasūnuṁ).

And you are the one who is the leader of the army of the devatas (Demigods) (surasain’ya nātham) and thus, I always bow down to you (sadāhaṁ śaraṇaṁ prapadyē) who stay in the cave (guhaṁ).

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