Nakula information (story, facts, secrets, greatness) | What is Nakula famous for? | What is the power of Nakula in Mahabharata? | Which God gave birth to Nakul? | Who was Nakul favourite wife? | Nakula parents names

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Just before going to “Nakula information (story, facts, secrets, greatness) | What is Nakula famous for? | What is the power of Nakula in Mahabharata? | Which God gave birth to Nakul? | Who was Nakul favourite wife? | Nakula parents names“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Nakula: Meaning of Nakula is Strength, unity etc. Nakula (Nakul) represents sheela (character). Pandu and Madri (second consort of Pandu Maharaja) beget two sons, that is, Nakula and Sahadeva (Sahadev).

Both Nakula and Sahadeva symbolize Character and Modesty. These two serve as essential complements to Dharma, Strength and Knowledge.

Nakula wives names are : Draupadi and Karenumati (Karenumati was the daughter of the Chedi King Shisupala and sister of his successor Dhrishtaketu.) Nakula parents names are : King Pandu and Madri & Kunti. He was born from the blessings of the twin Lords Ashwini Kumaras. As Ashwini Kumar, his original name is Nasatya.

Position of Nakula : He was well respected in the Kingdom of Yudhishthira and he never deviated from the Dharma and always served his elder brother. Nakula siblings names are : Karna, Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna and Sahadeva. Nakula children names are : Satanika by Draupadi and Niramitra by Karenumati. Nakula home is : Hastinapura (Hastinavati)

Nakula weapon name is : His sword name is Asi (असि). Kripacharya gifted this sword to Nakula and from Nakula it passed to Parikshit and from Parikshit to Janamejaya. From Janamejaya it passed to his son Satanika.

Having studied the Vedas under Yajnavalkya and military science under Kripacharya, Satanika becomes unsatisfied with sensual pleasures and acquires spiritual knowledge from the teachings of Saunaka and finally attains moksha. The sword returned to Kripacharya for safekeeping until the return of Dronacharya’s son Ashwatthama.

How Nakula is related to Lord Krishna : King Shurasena and Queen Marisha’s children were Vasudeva [Lord Krishna’s father Vasudeva (वसुदेव)], Samudravijaya (son) and Pritha (Also called as Kunti) (daughter). Thus both Vasudeva (वसुदेव) and Kunti were brother and sister in relation. Consequently, Lord Krishna is a maternal cousin of Nakula.

Different names of Nakula are as given below with meanings of each name:

Ashvineya (अश्विनेय) : As Nakula was an avatar of the Ashvini Kumaras, he is also called as Ashvineya. Originally as Ashvini Kumara (Kumar), Nakula is called as Nasatya. In Sanskrit Nasatya = Na + Asatya = He is the one never told untrue to anyone, that is, he was always following Dharma.

Mādravatīputra (माद्रवतीपुत्र), Mādravatīsuta ( माद्रवतीसुत), Mādreya (माद्रेय), Mādrinandana (माद्रिनन्दन), Mādrinandanaka ( माद्रीनन्दनक), Mādrīputra ( माद्रीपुत्र), Mādrīsuta ( माद्रीसुत), Mādrītanūja (माद्रीतानुज) : Nakula was the son of Madri and thus all these names means son of mother Madri.

Panduputra (पाण्डुपुत्र) or Pandunandana (पाण्डुनन्दन) : Nakula was the son of King Pandu and he is also known as Panduputra or Pandunandana. He one of the loving child to King Pandu and Mother Madri. Similarly, Kunti and all his other brothers loved Nakula very much.

Granthika (ग्रन्थिक) or Damagranthika (दमग्रन्थिक) : During the incognito exile (Agyatvas), that is, in the 13th year of the forest exile, Nakula was named as Granthika or Damagranthika. During this period Nakula was working as a Horse Keeper in the Kingdom of King Virat.

Jayasena (जयसेन) : During the incognito exile (Agyatvas), that is, in the 13th year of the forest exile, Nakula was secretly known as Jayasena by his other brothers and Draupadi Devi. This name was never revealed to others and was kept as secret by five Pandavas and Draupadi Devi.

The important information (characteristics) of Nakula are as given below:

1. Nakula was one of the best horse riders of his time and his specialty was that even in rain, he used to raid the horse without any hardships. 2. Nakula was one of the most attractive and handsome man along with his brother Sahadeva.

3. Nakula was one of the bravest swordsman of his time. He was one of the best at fencing. 4. Nakula was very loyal to his brothers, wives and his parents. 5. Nakula was offered to be the king of Madra, but Nakula was very much loyal to his brothers and thus didn’t accepted to be the king of Madra.

6. Like his brother Sahadeva, Nakula was one of the best astrologer of his time. But Nakula was forgetting his predictions immediately after he used to tell the predictions of others. This is because, this is what Lord Sri Krishna wanted from Nakula.

7. During the Kurukshetra war, Nakula easily defeated many like Dushasana, Shalya, Shakuni, Shakuni’s son Ulooka etc. 8. Apart from horse riding, Nakula was a very good horseman, horse breeder, treating the horses, charioteer and also expert in Ayurveda.

9. Nakula was also a great diplomatic person and had acted as a very good diplomatic person in various matters in Mahabharata. 10. Nakula’s shankha / conch is known as Sughosha.

11. Nakula is also called as Ashvineya, as he was the son of Ashvini Kumaras. Nakula was the twin brother of the Ashvini Kumaras (Kumars) along with his younger brother Sahadeva.

At the time of ‘Yaksha parshna’ incident after Dharmaraya (Yudhishthira) successfully answers all the questions posed by Yaksha Raja – Yudhisthira is asked as to who amongst his four brothers would he want to see alive.

Yudhisthira without a second thought or question says ‘Nakula, the son of Madri should come alive’. When Yaksha Raja asks the reason for the same, Yudhishthira says that – since he (Yudhishthira) is alive and is the eldest son of Kunti, one son of Madri should also be alive at least as he be seen as partisan towards Kunti’s son.

Here Yudhishthira displays the highest standards of ethics because with just one year before the Mahabharata war – Any lesser person would have been tempted to have the powerful Bhima or the great archer Arjuna alive, fight and win the war, but the great Pandava Yudhishthira thinks otherwise.

Information about the birth of Nakula is as given below: Earlier King Pandu was cursed by sage Kindama that he will die if he has sexual intercourse with his wives. Thus, Kunti, with the permission of her husband King Pandu invokes the gods Lord Yama, Lord Vayu and Lord Indra to give birth to Yudhishthira, Bhima and Arjuna.

Kunti Devi was able to do this as she had received a boon by sage Durvasa before marriage (When was about 12 years of age). Seeing this, Madri feels sad that she is childless.

On King Pandu’s advice, Kunti then casts a mantra to Madri, who invokes the Ashwini Kumaras, the divine twin brothers, that is, Nakula and Sahadeva. Nakula is considered an aspect of the Ashwini Kumaras and was avatar of one of the Ashwini Kumara (Kumar) known as Nasatya.

Nakula and Rajasuya Yagna (Sacrifice) : Nakula played a vital role during the Yudhishthira’s Rajasuya Yagna (Sacrifice). During the Rajasuya sacrifice, Nakula conquered the kings of the West. This was called as Pandava Digvijaya Yatra (पाण्डव दिग्विजय यात्रा), that is, Conquering all the four quarters of the whole world.

Nakula was sent west by Yudhishthira to conquer kingdoms for the Rajasuya Yajna after his coronation as the Emperor of Indraprastha. Nakula once marched with a large army to a kingdom dominated by Vasudeva. He first invaded the rich mountain country Rohitaka.

Nakula defeated the Mattamyurakas in a fierce encounter. In another battle with sage Akrosha, Nakula conquered the Sairishaka and Mahetta regions.

Nakula defeated many tribes and minor dynasties, including the Dasarnas, Sivas, Trigarthas, Amvashtas, Malavas, five tribes of Karnata, Madhyamakeyas, Vattadhanas and Utsava-sanketas.

Nakula during forest exile (वनवास) : Yudhishthira’s defeat in the game of dice meant that all the Pandavas were exiled for 13 years. Once in exile, a demon named Jatasura, disguised as a Brahmin, kidnapped Nakula along with Draupadi, Sahadeva and Yudhishthira.

The mighty Bhima eventually rescued them and in the ensuing fight, Nakula killed Kshemankara, Mahamaha and Surata.

In the 13th year, that is, during incognito exile (Agyatvas) Nakula disguised himself as an ostler and assumed the name Granthika (Secretly Pandavas and Draupadi Devi called Nakula as Jayasena) in the Virata kingdom.

Nakula’s choice of Mahabharata (Kurukshetra) war Army General : Nakula suggested Drupada to be the Army General during the war of Mahabharata (Kurukshetra) war. But, Yudhishthira and Arjuna wanted Dhristadyumna to be the Army General from the Pandavas side.

Nakula in Mahabharata (Kurukshetra) war : Nakula is not an ordinary man and he is an avatar of Ashwini Kumara named Nasatya. As a warrior, Nakula killed the main warriors of the enemy side (Kauravas). Nakula’s chariot flag had the image of a red deer with a golden back. Nakula was the leader of one of the seven Akshahuni army.

On the 1st day of the war, Nakula defeated Dusshasana, but spared his life so that Bhima can fulfill his vow. On the 11th day, he defeated Shalya, destroying his chariot. On the 13th day, his advance to Drona’s Chakravyuha formation was repulsed by Jayadratha. On the 14th day he defeated Shakuni.

On the 15th day, Nakula was defeated by Duryodhana and rescued by Chekitana. On the 16th day, he was defeated and spared by Karna. On the 17th day he killed Shakuni’s son Vrikasura. On the 18th day of the war, he killed Karna’s three sons, Susena, Chitrasena and Satyasena.

Nakula during Mahaprasthan : During Mahaprasthana, after the war, Nakula was the third to fall after Draupadi and Sahadeva. When Bhima asks Yudhishthira why Nakula fell, Yudhishthira tells him that pride in his beauty is the reason for his fall.

Representation of Pandavas and Kauravas in Mahabharata :

Yudhishthira : Yudhisthira represents Dharma. | Bhima : Bhima represents bhakti (devotion), jnana / gyan (knowledge), bala (strength) and 7 other virtues. | Arjuna : Arjuna represents shravana (hearing / listening) and manana (thoughtful remembering). | Nakula : Nakula represents sheela (character). |

Sahadeva : Sahadeva represents vinaya (humility). | Draupadi : Draupadi represents vidya (study / knowledge / Vedas). | Duryodhana : Duryodhana represents ajnana (ignorance). | Dushasana : Dushasana represents mithyajnana (Mythical knowledge). | Shakuni : Shakuni represents nastikya (atheism).

Information about birth days of Nakula and other Pandavas and Kauravas is as given below:

Karna Birth : Karna an avatar of Lord Sri Surya (Sun God) was born on the Magha month of the Bright half (Shukla Paksha) 1st day (Pratipada tithi). It is said that he was older than Yudhisthira by 16 years. During the Mahabharata war, Karna was killed by Arjuna on Margashirsha month, Dark half (Krishna Paksha) on 14th Day (Chaturdashi tithi).

Yudhishthira Birth : Yudhishthira was born on Pajothpatti Samvatsara, Ashwin month, Bright half (Shukla Paksha), 5th day (Panchami Tithi), in Jyeshta nakshatra, in Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) Lagna, at midday Abhijit Muhurta (Mahurat). 127 year, 5 months and 25 days prior to start of Kaliyuga (roughly 3229-8-15 B.C).

Bhima Birth : Bhima was born on Agnirasa Samvatsara, Ashwin month, Dark half (Krishna Paksha), 9th day (Navami Tithi) in Magha Star (Nakshatra), after midday. He was younger than Yudhishthira by 1 year and 19 days. He was an avatar of Lord Sri Vayu Deva.

Arjuna Birth : Arjuna was born on Srimukha Samvatsara, Phalguna month, Full Moon Day (Purnima Tithi) during the day in Uttara Phalguni Star (Nakshatra). Younger than Bhima by 1 year 4 months and 21 days. Arjuna is an avatar of Lord Sri Indra Deva.

Nakula and Sahadeva Birth : Both Nakula and Sahadeva were born on Bhava Samvatsara, Phalguna month, New Moon day (Amavasya Tithi), Midday, in Ashwini Star (Nakshatra). Both Nakula and Sahadeva were younger than Arjuna by 1 year, 0 month, and 15 days. They were the avatars of Ashwini brother Nasatya and Dasra.

Lord Sri Krishna Birth : He is unborn. But as a pastime he takes the avatar (not birth) on Shrimukha Samvatsara, Shravana month, Dark half (Krishna Paksha), 8th day (Ashtami Tithi), just after midnight in Taurus Lagna (Vrishabha Rashi). He is avatar of Lord Sri Vishnu. There is no difference between Lord Vishnu and Krishna avatar.

Duryodhana Birth : Just one day after the mighty Bhima’s birth Duryodhana was born. From that day onwards everyday the rest of the 99 Kauravas (boys) and their only sister were born. Similarly, Hidimba, Bakasura and Kichaka were born in the same period between Magha and Swati Stars (Nakshatras).

Duryodhana’s Death : He lost the battle against the mighty Bhima on Margashirsha month, New Moon Day (Amavasya Tithi) / Pausha Bright half (Shukla Paksha) in the evening. He died the next morning on the Bright half (Shukla Paksha), 1st Day (Pratipada Tithi).

Yudhishthira became Yuvaraja (Crowned Prince) : Yudhishthira became Crowned Prince (Yuvaraja) of Hastinapura (Hastinavati) on Shubhakrit Samvatsara, Ashwayuja month, Bright half (Shukla Paksha), 10th day (Dashami Tithi) when he was 31 years, 0 month and 5 days old.

Yudhishthira became King of Hastinapura : Yudhishthira was crowned as the King of Hastinapura (Hastinavati) on Shubhakrit Samvatsara, Pausha month, Full Moon Day (Purnima). Yudhishthira was 91 year, 3 months and 10 days old when he became the King (Samrat / Chakravartin / Emperor) of the whole world.

Yudhishthira ruled for the whole world for 36 years, 2 months and 15 days. From Shubhakrit Samvatsara, Pushya month, Full Moon Day (Purnima Tithi) to Bahudhanya Samvatsara, Pushya month, Full Moon Day (Purnima Tithi). It was 36 years, 2 months and 15 days.

It was Pramadi Samvatsara, Bright half (Shukla Paksha), 1st Day (Pratipada Tithi) Lord Shri Krishna finished his avatar on this earth, that is, on B.C 3102-2-20 at 2-27-30 P.M. Originally Kali Yuga started when Duryodhana died.

Seven days later, on Bright half (Shukla Paksha), 7th Day (Saptami Titihi), whole of the Dwarka city was submerged in the Ocean. Saptarishis (Seven Sages) were in Magha Star (Nakshatra). Yudhishthira Shaka started from his coronation day, that is, Lord Sri Krishna finished his Avatar in Yudhishthira Shaka. Total there were 36 years, 2 months and 15 days in Yudhishthira Shaka.

Pandavas started for their Final journey after Yudhishthira Shaka on Pramadi Samvatsara, Ashwayuja month, Bright half (Shukla Paksha), 12th Day (Dwadashi Tithi). At that time, Yudhishthira was aged 128 years, 0 month and 6 days. Parikshit was 36 years old at that time, and he (Parikshit) was coronated on the same day at Hastinapur (Hastinavati).

King Parikshit ruled the whole world for 60 years. After he got the curse from Sage Shringi (son of Sage Shamika), King Parikshit coronated his 25 year old son Janamejaya, and died after hearing the Srimad Bhagavatam under Sage Shuka Muni (Shukacharya – son of Lord Sri Vedavyasa).

King Parikshit is believed to be an avatar (reincarnation) of Satya (Krita) Yuga, the personified first Yuga as per Hindu Sanatana Dharma. Shakuni the maternal uncle of Duryodhana is an avatar of Dvapara Yuga (In Sanskrit Dvapara means uncertainty, doubt). Duryadhana is an avatar of Kali Yuga’s Kali.

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