Yaksha Prashna (questions) to Yudhishthira (story, meaning) | What were the questions asked by Yaksha? | How many questions are there in Yaksha Prashna? | What do you mean by Yaksha Prashna? | Who asked questions to Yudhisthira?

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Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna (Vishnu, Rama, Trivikrama, Narasimha) and Goddess Lakshmi (Rukmini, Sita, Dharini) blessings to you and your family!

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Just before going to “Yaksha Prashna (questions) to Yudhishthira (story, meaning) | What were the questions asked by Yaksha? | How many questions are there in Yaksha Prashna? | What do you mean by Yaksha Prashna? | Who asked questions to Yudhisthira?“, let us know a brief, basic and very important information.

Mahabharata is the greatest epic the human race has ever seen. This greatest epic Mahabharata was written by svayam Bhagavan Lord (Sage) Sri Vedavyasa Ji (he is an avatar of Bhagavan Vishnu and even lives in Badrikashrama / Badrinath).

In this epic Mahabharata, Bhagavan Lord (Sage) Sri Vedavyasa Ji has given us the Great Bhagavad Gita, Sri Vishnu Sahasranama and so many different invaluable lessons to the mankind. 

What is not present in Mahabharata, we can’t find that in this universe. Means everything is present in the great epic of Mahabharata.

Mahabharata is the amalgamation of Brahmasutras, Bhagavad Gita, Vedas, Sri Vishnu Sahasranama, Puranas, Upanishads, etc. etc. etc. and thus Mahabharata is rated higher than the great Vedas. 

For this reason, the great epic Mahabharata is also known as ‘Panchama Veda’ (5th Veda). In the Mahabharata there is an episode which deals with a Yaksha Raja (outer planetary person) with Yudhishthira. Here both this Yaksha Raja and Yudhishthira were the avatars of Lord Yama Deva himself.

But still Bhagavan Lord (Sage) Sri Vedavyasa Ji wants to show the greatness of Yudhishthira, and thus asks questions from himself (Yaksha Raja) and tries to get answers from himself (Yudhishthira). This is the greatness of this epic Mahabharata.

People who follow the correct Sanatana Dharma will be able to understand this (Mahabharata) very easily. Whereas, people who think Mahabharata and other great epics of India as mere imaginary and fake will be shown the path towards ‘moha’ (infatuation).

This is the secret of Sanatana Dharma. The dialogue between Yaksha Raja and Yudhishthira takes place during the ‘aranya vasa’ / forest exile of the Pandavas and this period is called as “Aranya Parva”.

Come on friends, let us now lookout a series of questions put forward by Yaksha Raja and what answers were given by Yudhisthira for those questions:

List of Yaksha prashna (questions) to Yudhishthira are as given below:

1. Yaksha: How does one can acquire real greatness and become a famous like celebrity? Yudhishthira: By performing tapas (penance) to gain correct knowledge and by practicing austerities.

2. Yaksha: What is the human like lakshana / trait in a Brahmin? Yudhishthira: Marana / Death! 3. Yaksha: What is Yajus in a sacrifice? Yudhishthira: Manas / Mind. 4. Yaksha: What is the most valuable thing for those who sow (farmer)? Yudhishthira: Seed.

5. Yaksha: Which is faster than the Vayu / wind? Yudhishthira: Manas / Mind. 6. Yaksha: What is that which grows very quickly with speed? Yudhishthira: Nadi / River. 7. Yaksha: What is Amruta (Amrit) (nectar)? Yudhishthira: Go-Maata’s Kshiram / Mother Cow’s milk.

8. Yaksha: What is the remedy against sheeta / cold? Yudhishthira: Ushna / Warmth. 9. Yaksha: Who is that someone who is given by God as a best friend to a male? Yudhishthira: Patni / Consort / Wife. 

10. Yaksha: What is the most valuable of all the sampatti / possessions? Yudhishthira: Jnana / Knowledge. 11. Yaksha: What is that one thing which if renounced causes no regret? Yudhishthira: Krodha / Wrath (anger).

12. Yaksha: For what reason should one must donate to a Raja / King? Yudhishthira: For getting vimochana / relief from bhaya / fear. 13. Yaksha: Who makes the Surya Deva / Sun to rise? Yudhishthira: Parabrahma Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Surya Narayana).

14. Yaksha: How does one become buddhiman / intelligent? Yudhishthira: By serving people who are high in wisdom. 15. Yaksha: What is the Adharma / impious action of a Kshatriya? Yudhishthira: Doing tyaga / abandoning someone instead of protecting others who take sharanagati / refuge!

16. Yaksha: What is the most valuable for the dampati / couple? Yudhishthira: Progeny (child / descendant). 

17. Yaksha: Who is he, who enjoys all sense (material) objects, he is liked by the world, breaths like a normal human being, but still does not live? Yudhishthira: One who does not offer nourished food to these five, that is, Gods (Bhagavan & other Devatas), atithi / guests, sevakas / servants, pitrus / ancestors and to self is as good as dead person even though he is still living.

18. Yaksha: What is that one thing, which does not move even after birth? Yudhishthira: Anda / Egg. 19. Yaksha: Who is the best friend for the someone who is sick? Yudhishthira: A Vaidya / Physician / Doctor.

20. Yaksha: What is some thing, which is reborn after its birth? Yudhishthira: Chandra / Moon (15 days waning and 15 days waxing). 21. Yaksha: What is the highest level of refuge of heaven? Yudhishthira: Satya / Truth.

22. Yaksha: What is the best among of all wealth / gains? Yudhishthira: Arogya / Health. 23. Yaksha: What is that Dharma / duty / virtue which always bears fruit? Yudhishthira: Rites as prescribed in the three Vedas (Rig Veda, Yajur Veda and Sama Veda).

24. Yaksha: For what, one must donate to nrutyakaraki / mimes and dancers? Yudhishthira: For worldly fame. 25. Yaksha: For what reason one must donate to servants? Yudhishthira: To give them normal life and support their family.

26. Yaksha: Who keeps company and travels alongside with Surya / Sun? Yudhishthira: Devatas / Demigods travel alongside with Surya / Sun. 

27. Yaksha: How does one become a jnani / wise / knowledgeable person (Srotriya)? Yudhishthira: By understanding the Vedas in the correct way (for example, unlike Ravana who had understood everything incorrectly).

28. Yaksha: What is the Adharma / impious action of a Brahmin? Yudhishthira: Denigrating / false speaking. 29. Yaksha: What is that sacrifice, which does not transgress? Yudhishthira: Without ‘Rik’ a Yagna / sacrifice cannot be done.

30. Yaksha: Who causes the Suryasta / Sun to set? Yudhishthira: Dharma causes the Suryasta / Sun to set. 31. Yaksha: What is that dharma a Brahmin should follow? Yudhishthira: Wisely practicing the tapas / penance.

32. Yaksha: What provides divinity to Kshatriya? Yudhishthira: His Astras and Shastras (like bow, arrows, swords etc.) 33. Yaksha: What is the most valuable for the cultivator of the soil? Yudhishthira: Varsha / Rain.

34. Yaksha: What is taller than sky? Yudhishthira: Pita / Father. 35. Yaksha: What is heavier than earth? Yudhishthira: Maata / Mother. 36. Yaksha: Who is the mitra / best friend for someone who is away (travelling) from home? Yudhishthira: A co-traveler is the best friend.

37. Yaksha: What is the eternal dharma. Yudhishthira: Yagna / Homa / sacrifice. 38. Yaksha: What is the very first and main support of a mankind? Yudhishthira: Megha / Varsha – Clouds / Rain. 39. Yaksha: What is that one thing, if controlled never can cause regret? Yudhishthira: Manas / Mind.

40. Yaksha: What is that one thing, which if renounced makes one happy? Yudhishthira: Lobha / Greed. 41. Yaksha: Where does the Surya / Sun gets establishes by itself? Yudhishthira: Surya / Sun is established in the Satya / Truth.

42. Yaksha: By what does one obtain helping companion? Yudhishthira: From his own dhairya / courage and jnana / intelligence. 43. Yaksha: What quality establishes the daivi bhakti / divinity in a Brahmin? Yudhishthira: Correct study of Vedas.

44. Yaksha: What type of dharma makes a Kshatriya pious? Yudhishthira: By performing Yagnas / sacrificial rites. 45. Yaksha: What is the human like trait in a Kshatriya? Yudhishthira: Bhaya / fear. 46. Yaksha: What is ‘sama’ in a Yagna / sacrifice? Yudhishthira: ‘Praana’ is ‘sama’ in a Yagna / sacrifice.

47. Yaksha: What does a Yagna / sacrifice invoke? Yudhishthira: It is the ‘Rik’ which the Yagna / sacrifice invokes. 48. Yaksha: What is the sampat / wealth for a stable prosperous living? Yudhishthira: Having Go-maata (Cow) at home and looking after her properly.

49. Yaksha: What is more abundant than grass? Yudhishthira: Thoughts / Worries. 50. Yaksha: What is that one living being, which does not close its eyes while sleeping? Yudhishthira: Matsya / Fish. 51. Yaksha: What is that one thing which does not have a heart? Yudhishthira: Rock.

52. Yaksha: Who is the best friend for a householder at home? Yudhishthira: Patni / wife. 53. Yaksha: Who is the best friend of a person who is about to die? Yudhishthira: Daana / charity done with nishkaama (without expectations).

54. Yaksha: Who is the guest of all creatures? Yudhishthira: Agni / fire. 55. Yaksha: What is the entire universe composed of? Yudhishthira: Vaayu / air. 56. Yaksha: What is that one thing, which travels alone? Yudhishthira: Surya / Sun.

57. Yaksha: Which is the largest ground? Yudhishthira: Bhumi / Earth. 58. Yaksha: What is the highest refuge of virtue? Yudhishthira: Daya / generosity / kindness. 59. Yaksha: What is the highest refuge of fame? Yudhishthira: Daana / charity.

60. Yaksha: What is the highest refuge of happiness? Yudhishthira: Good conduct (behavior). 61. Yaksha: What is the aatma / soul of Man? Yudhishthira: Putra / son. 62. Yaksha: Which is the chief refuge of a man? Yudhishthira: Daana / charity.

63. Yaksha: What is the best laudable thing in the bhumi / world? Yudhishthira: Naipunyata / skill. 64. Yaksha: What is the best among all kinds of happiness? Yudhishthira: Santrupti / Satisfaction / contentment.

65. Yaksha: What is the highest Dharma / duty in the world? Yudhishthira: Refraining from injuries. 66. Yaksha: Who are that someone, with whom a maitri / alliance can’t be broken down? Yudhishthira: Maitri / alliance with noble human.

67. Yaksha: What is that one thing, which if renounced maketh one affable? Yudhishthira: Garva / pride. 68. Yaksha: What is that which if renounced makes one wealthy? Yudhishthira: Laalasa / desire. 69. Yaksha: For what virtue one must donate to Brahmins? Yudhishthira: For Dharmika / religious merits

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Why Krishna always helped Pandavas

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1 Comment

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