Pitru Devatas and Dwadasha (12) Pitru names (information)
What are Pitru Devatas and Dwadasha (12) Pitru names (information)
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Just before going to "What are Pitru Devatas and Dwadasha (12) Pitru names (information)", let us know a brief, basic and very important information.
Meaning of Dwadasha, Pitru and Devatas is as given below:
In Sanskrit Dwadasha means Twelve (12), Pitru means our ancestors (forefathers) (progenitors) and Devatas means Demigods.
Difference between Pitrus and Pitru Devatas is as given below:
Pitrus - Pitrus (English way of pronunciation) or in Sanskrit it is pronounced as Pitarah (पितरः / pitaraḥ) are the one who are our ancestors (forefathers), and who are either living or died.
E.g., Father side - Father, Grandfather (paternal), great-grandfather (paternal), mother,...