Why Krishna and Shiva (Mahadev) fight (Srimad Bhagavatam) | Did Krishna and Shiva (Mahadev) fight with each other?
Why Krishna and Shiva (Mahadev) fight (Srimad Bhagavatam) | Did Krishna and Shiva (Mahadev) fight with each other | Vanasura (Banasura), Usha, Aniruddha story
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Just before moving forward to know about "Why Krishna and Shiva (Mahadev) fight (Srimad Bhagavatam) | Vanasura (Banasura), Usha, Aniruddha story", let us have a brief background about Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna), Lord Sri Brahma Deva and Lord Shiva.
Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu just before the starting of the creation, creates Lord Sri Brahma Deva from his nabhi (navel).
Thus Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu is also known as Bhagavan Lord Sri Padmanabha.
Here Padmanabha means, he is someone who has given birth from his nabhi (navel) and the...