Somnath temple (Prabhas Kshetra) history (information) (facts)
What is Somnath temple (Prabhas Kshetra) history (information) (facts)
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Just before moving towards to know about "What is Somnath temple (Prabhas Kshetra) history (information) (facts)", let us know few basic and important information.
Somnath in Sanskrit is written as Somanatha (सोमनाथ / ಸೋಮನಾಥ / sōmanātha).
In Hindi it is pronounced and written as Somnath (Sōmnāth).
Here Somnath = Som + Nath = Lord Chandra (Moon God) + Ishwar (Lord) = Somnath is someone who is Lord to Lord Chandra (Moon).
Once, while describing the origin of puranas, Sutaji told the sages who had assembled at Naimisharanya:
'Lord Shiva had first revealed the contents of Skanda Purana to Goddess Sri Parvati Devi...