Why India is greatest (best) (most sacred) country in world | Why God takes avatar (birth) only in India | Does earth has sacred and non-sacred places?

Why India is greatest (best) (most sacred) country in world | Why God takes avatar (birth) only in India | Does earth has sacred and non-sacred places?

Why India is greatest (best) (most sacred) country in world | Why God takes avatar (birth) only in India | Does earth has sacred and non-sacred places? Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "Why India is greatest (best) (most sacred) country in world | Why God takes avatar (birth) only in India | Does earth has sacred and non-sacred places?", let us have some brief information. First we should know that anything and everything is under the control of Bhagavan Lord Sri Hari / Lord Sri Vishnu / Lord Sri Krishna / Lord Sri Rama. Lord Sri Hari (Vishnu) is the supreme, he knows everything and anything. We shouldn't be having any...
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Hindu Guardians (Lord) of directions (Ashta Dikpalakas) information | Vastu shastra for constructing a new house

Hindu Guardians (Lord) of directions (Ashta Dikpalakas) information | Vastu shastra for constructing a new house Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "Hindu Guardians (Lord) of directions (Ashta Dikpalakas) information | Vastu shastra for constructing a new house", let us have a brief some brief information. According to Hindu Sanatana Dharma, there are ten dishas / directions, and each disha (directions) has a deity attached to it and those deities are known as Dikpalakas / Dikpals. Our (Sanatana Dharma) ancestors were very clearly knowing about the technicality of the existing of the Gods in each directions, that is: Of North-East (ईशान्य) - Ishanya (God of Knowledge and Wealth, Form of Shiva).  Similarly of East (पूर्व)...
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What are 100 Kauravas and 5 Pandavas names

What are 100 Kauravas and 5 Pandavas names

What are 100 Kauravas and 5 Pandavas names Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "What are 100 Kauravas and 5 Pandavas names", let us have some brief information. Both Kauravas and Pandavas belong to a single family of the King Kuru. But later because of the heinous crimes made by Duryodhana and his brothers, Pandavas stayed away from these wicked people. From this time, the sons of King Pandu came to be known as Pandavas and other Duryodhana brothers were known as Kauravas. Gandhari even after many years of marriage was not having a single child. Thus whole of Kuru family prayed to Bhagavan Sri Veda Vyasa Ji (He is an avatar...
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What is hierarchy (Taratamya) of Hindu Gods | Who is the real God in Hinduism | Hinduism is monotheism or polytheism | Does Hinduism has many Gods

What is hierarchy (Taratamya) of Hindu Gods | Who is the real God in Hinduism | Hinduism is monotheism or polytheism | Does Hinduism has many Gods

What is hierarchy (Taratamya) of Hindu Gods | Who is the real God in Hinduism | Hinduism is monotheism or polytheism | Does Hinduism has many Gods Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "What is hierarchy (Taratamya) of Hindu Gods | Who is the real God in Hinduism | Hinduism is monotheism or polytheism | Does Hinduism has many Gods", let us know a brief, basic and very important information. Bhagavan / Parabrahma / God is the one, who is present since the 'aadi kalam' (Before grand infinite period). Also also who is present today and who will be present until the 'ananta kalam' (After grand infinite period).  Bhagavan (God) is the one...
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List of avatars in Mahabharata | Which deities (Devatas) (Demigods) took avatar in Mahabharata

List of avatars in Mahabharata | Which deities (Devatas) (Demigods) took avatar in Mahabharata

List of avatars in Mahabharata | Which deities (Devatas) (Demigods) took avatar in Mahabharata Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) and Goddess Lakshmi (Rukmini) (Sita( blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "List of avatars in Mahabharata | Which deities (Devatas) (Demigods) took avatar in Mahabharata", let us have a brief some brief information. Mahabharata is the greatest epic that the mankind has ever known. This is written by Lord (Sage) Sri Veda Vyasa ji, who is an avatar of Lord Sri Vishnu. In the great epic Mahabharata we can learn everything starting from birth, death and even after birth lessons. This is the greatness of the great epic Mahabharata. Mahabharata means, "Great Bharata" (Great India). Whenever Lrod Sri Vishnu takes...
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Garuda (Panchami) information (facts) (Significance) (importance) (history)

Garuda (Panchami) information (facts) (Significance) (importance) (history)

Garuda (Panchami) information (facts) (Significance) (importance) (history) Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna (Vishnu) and Lord Garuda blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "Garuda (Panchami) information (facts) (Significance) (importance) (history)", let us know few basic and important information. Most of us have heard of Sri Nag (Naga) Panchami. But now, let us know about Sri Garuda Panchami. Lord Garuda Raja is regarded as the highest among all the birds. He is the one of the greatest devotee of Sri Hari and is equal to Lord Aadi Shesha Nagaraja and Lord Shiva in yogyata (merit). Sri Garuda Panchami is celebrated mostly on the same day of the Sri Nag (Naga) Panchami or sometimes it may vary as this is the day when...
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Nag Panchami (Chaturthi) information (facts) (significance) (importance) | Why Hindus worship snake | Are Hindus (Indians) snake charmers?

Nag Panchami (Chaturthi) information (facts) (significance) (importance) | Why Hindus worship snake | Are Hindus (Indians) snake charmers?

What are Nag Panchami (Chaturthi) information (facts) (significance) (importance) | Why Hindus worship snake | Are Hindus (Indians) snake charmers? Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "What are Nag Panchami (Chaturthi) information (facts) (significance) (importance) | Why Hindus worship snake | Are Hindus (Indians) snake charmers?", let us know few basic and important information. Naga Panchami (Nag Panchami) means, Naga + Panchami = Divine Snake God + 5th day. Here we celebrate the Naga Panchami on the 5th (Panchami Tithi) of Shravana masam (month), Shukla Paksha every year. Similarly, Nag Chaturthi / Naga Chaturthi / Nag Chauthi means, Naga + Chaturthi (Chauthi) = Divine Snake God + 4th day. We celebrate the Naga...
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Puri Jagannath temple history (origin) facts (Purushottam Kshetra)

What are Puri Jagannath temple history (origin) unknown facts (Purushottam Kshetram) Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Sri Subhadra Devi blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "What are Puri Jagannath temple history (origin) unknown facts (Purushottam Kshetram)", let us know few basic and important information. The auspicious and divine Sri Jagannath Temple is an important temple dedicated to Lord Jagannath (Lord Krishna), a form of Lord Vishnu. The place Sri Puri Jagannath is located in the state of Indian state Odisha on the eastern coast. The present temple was rebuilt from the 10th century onwards, on the site of earlier existing temples in the compound, but not the main Jagannatha temple. This construction was started by...
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