Sanskrit words related to sex with meaning | What is sex (Kiss, Pure Love, Strong Desire) called in Sanskrit? | Maithuna (Sambhog) Meaning in Sanskrit
List of Sanskrit words related to sex with meaning | What is sex (Kiss, Pure Love, Strong Desire) called in Sanskrit? | Maithuna (Sambhog) Meaning in Sanskrit
Blessings of Sri Kama Deva (Manmatha) and Sri Rati Devi to you, without whom no one can exist on this earth.
Sanskrit is the most broad and wide bhasha (divine language) on earth. Without Sanskrit, no other language of the world can exist.
From East to West and from North to South of the globe, all use Sanskrit bhasha (divine language) itself, but with different pronunciation. Only pronunciation difference exists and not the words.
Sanskrit is the most holiest and open minded bhasha (divine language) on earth and it's the language of puranic Vedas including Kamasutra.
Sanskrit is the bhasha (divine language) which is spoken in the upper planets like Svarga Loka, Brahma Loka, Vaikuntha Loka too.
Now, let us know a long "List of Sanskrit words related to sex":
त्वां कामयामि (tvām kāmayāmi) : This means, "I love you"....