How to become Lord Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) devotee (realization) | About PRAKRITI AND PURUSHA

How to become Lord Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) devotee (realization) | About PRAKRITI AND PURUSHA

How to become Lord Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) devotee (realization) | About PRAKRITI AND PURUSHA Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Rama) (Krishna) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "How to become Lord Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) devotee (realization) | About PRAKRITI AND PURUSHA", let us know few basic and important information. We should always remember that, whatever we are learning about Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma), we should learn as per Hindu Puranas, Vedas, Hindu Texts itself. This will provide us more correct weightage while learning about Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma), than learning from other means. THE MEANS OF BECOMING LORD VISHNU (KRISHNA) (RAMA) DEVOTEE (HOW TO GET LORD VISHNU (KRISHNA) (RAMA) REALIZATION - ABOUT PRAKRITI AND PURUSHA). Once, Maharishi (Sage) Agastya narrated the following tale...
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Gokarna story of three Shiva Linga

What is Gokarna story of three Shiva Linga Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "What is Gokarna story of three Shiva Linga", let us know few basic and important information. GOKARNESHWARA - The famous battle of 'Tarakamaya' (Lord Kartikeya killing Tarakasura) had ended. The Devatas / deities after having defeated the demons had once again regained the control of heaven. Sri Brahma Deva being satisfied with the positive outcome of the war was engrossed in his meditation when Sanata Kumara arrived and asked: "O Sri Brahma Deva! I am anxious to know about the origin of three famous Shiva Lingas, that is, Uttara Gokarna, Dakshina Gokarna and Shringeshwara." "What made Lord Shiva to take the form...
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Last rites rituals (antyeshti) in Hinduism

Last rites rituals (antyeshti) in Hinduism

Last rites rituals (antyeshti) in Hinduism Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "Last rites rituals (antyeshti) in Hinduism", let us know few basic and important information. Antyeshti = Antya + Eshti = Last (End) + Rituals = Last rituals or ceremony. This refers to the funeral rites of the dead body in Hinduism, which usually involves the ritual of cremation of the dead body. This rite of passage is the last sanskar in a series of traditional life cycle sanskars that start from conception in Hindu Sanatana Dharma. Other names of Antyeshti are 'Antya Kriya', 'Antima Sanskar', 'Anvarohanyya', 'Vahni Sanskar', 'Antyeshti Kriya', etc. The following is taken from 'Varaha Purana'. Here directly Lord Sri...
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List of ways of installing deities (idols) in Hinduism

List of ways of installing deities (idols) in Hinduism

List of ways of installing deities (idols) in Hinduism Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "List of ways of installing deities (idols) in Hinduism", let us know few basic and important information. Now let us understand why deity (Idol) worship is one of the best ways of worshipping Lord Sri Vishnu and other Devatas (Demigods). Let us take an example of how deity (Idol) worshipping is the best way of worshipping by taking joint family as an example. In a single joint family if a person has his grand parents, parents, uncles and aunties in front of him, then he would know the importance of all of them. That person knows why joint family is...
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List of Hindu pilgrimage places as per Hindu scriptures

List of Hindu pilgrimage places as per Hindu scriptures

List of Hindu pilgrimage places as per Hindu scriptures Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "List of Hindu pilgrimage places as per Hindu scriptures", let us know few basic and important information. India (Bharata / Bharat), just name is enough for anyone to get it's introduction. Our ancestors have given us such great pilgrimage places that just thinking of those pilgrimage places is enough for us to gain the mukti / moksha (divine liberation). Just visualizing those names and places will gain us all the material and spiritual things. Starting from Bhagavan Sri Hari's pilgrimages places, we have pilgrimage places for all the Demigods also all over India. Starting from Jammu & Kashmir up to...
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Hindu days (Tithi) Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, etc. names (information)

Hindu days (Tithi) Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, etc. names (information)

Pratipada (Padyami), dwitiya, tritiya, etc. Hindu days (Tithi) names (information) Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, etc. Hindu days (Tithis) names (information)", let us know few basic and important information. We have long list of Hindu days, as we have 15 + 15 = 30 days every masam (month). That is, from Pratipada (padya) of Purnima (that is Shukla paksha) and again from next Pratipada (padya) to Amavasya (that is Krishna paksha). In Hindu Sanatana Dharma, a muhurta (Muhurat) (forty-eight minute duration as per the present time calculations) can be shown in five different characteristics, that is - Vaara (vaar) (7 days a week), Tithi (One day), Nakshatra (Star), Yoga...
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Pitru paksha (Mahalaya) (Shraddha) information, importance, significance

Pitru paksha (Mahalaya) (Shraddha) information, importance, significance

Pitru paksha (Mahalaya) (Shraddha) information, importance, significance Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "Pitru paksha (Mahalaya) (Shraddha) full information, importance, significance", let us know few basic and important information. First of all let's know what is 'pitru', 'paksha' and 'mahalaya' are: Pitru = Pitru (Pitrus) are the group of our ancestors who have passed away and are staying at various other planets. In simple words, Pitru (Pitrus) are our forefathers. Paksha = It is the fifteen days period of the Mahalaya month. Each of the Hindu months are divided into 15 days of two Pakshas, that is, one is Shukla Paksha and another is Krishna Paksha. In this, the 16 days (Padya to Amavasya)...
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Narada Maharishi Information, Facts (Previous Life, Birthday) (Priyavrata story) | What is the story of Narada Muni? | Who is Narada in Hinduism? | Who gave curse to Narada Muni? | How powerful is Narad Muni?

Narada Maharishi Information, Facts (Previous Life, Birthday) (Priyavrata story) | What is the story of Narada Muni? | Who is Narada in Hinduism? | Who gave curse to Narada Muni? | How powerful is Narad Muni?

Narada Maharishi information, facts (previous life, birthday) (Priyavrata story) | What is the story of Narada Muni? | Who is Narada in Hinduism? | Who gave curse to Narada Muni? | How powerful is Narad Muni? Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna, Rama, Trivikrama, Narasimha, Vamana, Vasudeva, Mukunda) and Goddess Lakshmi (Rukmini, Satyabhama, Sita, Kamala, Maya) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "Narada Maharishi Information, Facts (Previous life, birthday) (Priyavrata story) | What is the story of Narada Muni? | Who is Narada in Hinduism? | Who gave curse to Narada Muni? | How powerful is Narad Muni?", let us have a brief some brief information. Some of the other questions people want to know about Maharshi Narada...
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What is false Parvati story

What is false Parvati story

What is false Parvati story Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna, Lord Shiva and Sri Parvati Devi blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "What is false Parvati story", let us know few basic information. Lord Shiva had once gone on a visit to a city named Shonitapura. Lord was accompanied by many daivi / divine Gandharvas and Apsara Devis. Sri Parvati Devi was left behind in Kailasha and Lord Shiva felt lonely without her. Lord Shiva called Nandi and said: "Go to Kailasha and ask Parvati to come here". Nandi went to Kailasha and told Sri Parvati Devi that Lord Shiva wanted her. Sri Parvati Devi said that this would take a little time, since she wanted to get ready...
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Ruru, a demon and Goddess Parvati story

Ruru, a demon and Goddess Parvati story

Ruru, a demon and Goddess Parvati story Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu, Lord Shiva and Goddess Sri Parvati Devi blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "Ruru, a demon and Goddess Parvati story", let us know few basic information. There was a demon who wanted to marry Goddess Sri Parvati Devi. His name was Ruru. Ruru happened to see Goddess Sri Parvati Devi and decided that this was the woman who would be his wife. Ruru began to perform tapasya / penance, so that his desire might be satisfied.  Lord Sri Brahma Deva appeared before him and asked, "Ruru, why are you performing such difficult tapasya?" Ruru said: "I want to marry Parvati." Lord Sri Brahma Deva replied: "That boon, not even...
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