Hindu (Vedic) measurement (units) of time information (facts)
What is Hindu (Vedic) measurement (units) of time information (facts)
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Before knowing about "What is Hindu (Vedic) measurement (units) of time information (facts)", let us know few basic information about related Hinduism facts.
Hinduism is existing since the 'adi kalam' (Grand unknown time) and will exist until the 'ananta kalam' (Grand infinite time).
No one knows when the Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) was started. Only Lord Sri Vishnu is aware of this.
Lord Sri Vishnu was the founder of Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism).
No one knows the birth day of Lord Sri Vishnu as he never took the birth and he doesn't has the end.
Thus Lord Sri Vishnu is called as 'Adi Deva'...