Why & who divided the Vedas (Puranas) (Hindu Texts) (In different Yugas)

Why & who divided the Vedas (Puranas) (Hindu Texts) (In different Yugas)

Why & who divided the Vedas, Puranas, Hindu Texts? (In different Yugas) Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna (Vishnu) (Rama) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "Why & who divided the Vedas, Puranas, Hindu Texts? (In different Yugas)", let us know a brief, basic and very important information. Yes my dear friends, you are right, it was Lord (Sage) Sri Vedavyasa Ji was the one who divided the Vedas, Puranas and other Hindu Texts. But do you know in every Mahayuga, someone will divide the Vedas, Puranas, Hindu Texts for the better understanding of the same. [A Mahayuga is the combination of four Yugas, that is, Satya (Krita) Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.] Why Vedas (Puranas) (Hindu Texts) were divided? This is...
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Hinduism and Hindutva difference (Mahabharata, Ramayana, Puranas)

What is Hinduism and Hindutva difference (As per Mahabharata, Ramayana, Puranas) Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna (Vishnu) (Rama) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "What is Hinduism and Hindutva difference (As per Mahabharata, Ramayana, Puranas)", let us know a brief, basic and very important information. Just before going to know about Hinduism and Hindutva difference (meaning), let's have some brief idea about the following: Hinduism, Hindutva (ideology), Sanatana Dharma and Sanatana Dharmi. In this post you will know the following: Who started (invented) Hinduism or Hindutva? What is the true meaning of Hindutva? What is the ideology of Hindutva? What is the Difference between Hinduism and Hindutva? What are the key beliefs of Hinduism (Hindus)? What is the meaning of Hinduism and...
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What all things came out of SAMUDRA MANTHAN (CHURNING OF OCEAN) | How many valuable items emerged from the churning of the ocean? | What kind of things were obtained in the churning of Ksheera Sagara? | Which ocean was used in Samudra Manthan?

What all things came out of SAMUDRA MANTHAN (CHURNING OF OCEAN) | How many valuable items emerged from the churning of the ocean? | What kind of things were obtained in the churning of Ksheera Sagara? | Which ocean was used in Samudra Manthan?

What all things came out of samudra manthan Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna, Rama, Trivikrama, Narasimha, Vamana, Vasudeva, Mukunda) and Goddess Lakshmi (Rukmini, Satyabhama, Sita, Kamala, Maya) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "What all things came out of SAMUDRA MANTHAN (CHURNING OF OCEAN) | How many valuable items emerged from the churning of the ocean? | What kind of things were obtained in the churning of Ksheera Sagara? | Which ocean was used in Samudra Manthan?", let us know a brief, basic and very important information. The real legend and classic समुद्र मंथन / ಸಮುದ್ರ ಮಂಥನ / samudra manthana (Samudra Manthana / Churning of ocean) is one of the popular phenomenon in Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma). This has been very...
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Garuda Purana is good or bad (importance) (misconceptions, good deeds, facts, significance) | | What is the purpose of Garuda Purana? | What is the story of Garuda? | What Garuda Purana says about death? | Is Garuda Purana true?

Garuda Purana is good or bad (importance) (misconceptions, good deeds, facts, significance) | | What is the purpose of Garuda Purana? | What is the story of Garuda? | What Garuda Purana says about death? | Is Garuda Purana true?

Garuda Purana is good or bad (importance) (misconceptions) (good deeds) (facts) (Significance) | What is the purpose of Garuda Purana? | What is the story of Garuda? | What Garuda Purana says about death? | Is Garuda Purana true? Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) (Hari) (Narayana) (Trivikrama) (Narasimha) (Vedavyasa) and Goddess Lakshmi (Rukmini) (Sita) (Dharini) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "Garuda Purana is good or bad (importance) (misconceptions) (good deeds) (facts) (Significance) | What is the purpose of Garuda Purana? | What is the story of Garuda? | What Garuda Purana says about death? | Is Garuda Purana true?", let us have some brief information. Every Hindu Sanatana Dharmi (Follower of Hindu Sanatana Dharma) should know...
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List of Ancient mountains in India (as per Hindu Puranas) | What are the spiritual mountains in India? | What do mountains symbolize in Hinduism? | Who is the god of mountains in Hinduism? | Where is Malaya mountains

List of Ancient mountains in India (as per Hindu Puranas) | What are the spiritual mountains in India? | What do mountains symbolize in Hinduism? | Who is the god of mountains in Hinduism? | Where is Malaya mountains

List of Ancient mountains in India | List of Mountains in India as per Hindu Puranas | What are the spiritual mountains in India? | What do mountains symbolize in Hinduism? | Who is the god of mountains in Hinduism? | Where is Malaya mountains Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna (Vishnu) (Rama) (Trivikrama) (Narasimha) and Goddess Rukmini (Lakshmi) (Kamala) (Jaya) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "List of Ancient mountains in India | List of Mountains in India as per Hindu Puranas | What are the spiritual mountains in India? | What do mountains symbolize in Hinduism? | Who is the god of mountains in Hinduism? | Where is Malaya mountains", let us know a brief, basic and very...
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List of Lord Ganesha (8) avatars (forms) (names) | 32 avatars (forms) (names) of Lord Ganesha

List of Lord Ganesha (8) avatars (forms) (names) | 32 avatars (forms) (names) of Lord Ganesha

List of Lord Ganesha (8) avatars (forms) (names) | 32 avatars (forms) (names) of Lord Ganesha Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna (Lakshmi Narasimha) (Vitthal) (Vishnu) (Rama) (Trivikrama) and Goddess Sri Rukmini (Lakshmi), Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesh blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "List of Lord Ganesha (8) avatars (forms) (names) | 32 avatars (forms) (names) of Lord Ganesha", let us know a brief, basic and very important information. Although Lord Ganesha has many characteristics, he can be easily identified by his beautiful elephant head. Lord Ganesha is widely admired through out world and especially as the remover of obstacles (विघ्ननाशक / Vighnanashak) and also he is the deva of high intellect and wisdom. As the god of start, Lord...
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Vamana (Vishnu) and Bali (Mahabali) story (correct) (true) (as per Purana) | What did Vamana do to Mahabali?

Vamana (Vishnu) and Bali (Mahabali) story (correct) (true) (as per Purana) | What did Vamana do to Mahabali?

Vamana (Vishnu) and Bali (Mahabali) story (correct) (true) (As per Purana) | What did Vamana do to Mahabali? Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna (Vishnu) (Rama) (Trivikrama) and Goddess Sri Rukmini Devi (Goddess Sri Lakshmi Devi) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "Vamana (Vishnu) and Bali (Mahabali) story (correct) (true) (As per Purana) | What did Vamana do to Mahabali?", let us know a brief, basic and very important information. Vamana parents names are : Maharshi Kashyapa (father) and Aditi (mother). | Vamana consort name is : Kirti ('Fame') or Padma or Kamala (Lakshmi avatar). | Vamana children (son) name is : Brhatsloka ('Great Praise') | Vamana siblings (brothers) names are : Vivasvān, Aryamā, Pūṣā, Tvaṣṭā, Savitā,...
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Why should we read and hear Hindu Puranas stories | Why are Puranas important? | What do Puranas teach us? | What are the must read Puranas? | What is the value of the Puranas?

Why should we read and hear Hindu Puranas stories | Why are Puranas important? | What do Puranas teach us? | What are the must read Puranas? | What is the value of the Puranas?

Why should we read and hear Hindu Puranas stories | Why are Puranas important? | What do Puranas teach us? | What are the must read Puranas? | What is the value of the Puranas? Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna (Vishnu) (Rama) (Trivikrama) and Goddess Sri Rukmini Devi (Goddess Sri Lakshmi Devi) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "Why should we read and hear Hindu Puranas stories | Why are Puranas important? | What do Puranas teach us? | What are the must read Puranas? | What is the value of the Puranas?", let us know a brief, basic and very important information. The meaning of the word Purana in Sanskrit is very old. Hindu Puranas contains the...
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List of 18 Puranas names (with meaning & explanation) (basic information)

List of 18 Puranas names (with meaning & explanation) (basic information)

List of 18 Puranas names (with meaning & explanation) (basic information) Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Krishna (Vishnu) (Rama) (Trivikrama) and Goddess Sri Rukmini Devi (Goddess Sri Lakshmi Devi) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before moving towards to know about "List of 18 Puranas names (with meaning & explanation) (basic information)", let us know a brief, basic and very important information. Who wrote 18 puranas : Lord (Sage) Sri Vedavyasa wrote (composed) all the eighteen (18) Puranas. He is the one who composed the great Mahabharata and he is an avatar of Lord Sri Vishnu himself. There is no difference between Lord (Sage) Sri Vedavyasa and Lord Sri Vishnu. In Sanskrit Purana is written as पुराण (purāṇa). Purana means "ancient stories of Indian...
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Lakshagriha (Ekachakra Nagar) story (tunnel, Varnavat, Purochana death) | How Pandavas escape from Lakshagraha? | What happened after Lakshagriha (episode) | Bhima and Hidimba marriage

Lakshagriha (Ekachakra Nagar) story (tunnel, Varnavat, Purochana death) | How Pandavas escape from Lakshagraha? | What happened after Lakshagriha (episode) | Bhima and Hidimba marriage

Lakshagriha (Ekachakra Nagar) story (tunnel, Varnavat, Purochana death) | How Pandavas escape from Lakshagraha? | What happened after Lakshagriha (episode) | Bhima and Hidimba marriage Namaste friends, how are you doing today? Welcome to #BhagavanBhakthi website / blog. Bhagavan Lord Sri Vishnu (Krishna) (Rama) blessings to you and your family! In this website / blog, you will always learn about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Also subscribe to my YouTube channel from this link #BhagavanBhakthi to view videos about #Hinduism #Sanskrit language. Just before going to "Lakshagriha (Ekachakra Nagar) story (tunnel, varnavat, Purochana death) | How Pandavas escape from Lakshagraha? | What happened after Lakshagriha (episode) | Bhima and Hidimba marriage", let us have some brief information. In Sanskrit Lakshagriha is written as लाक्षागृह (Lakshagruha) (Lākṣāgr̥ha). In Sanskrit Lakshagriha = Laksha + Griha = Lacquer + House. It is the house who is build using lacquer. The story of Lakshagriha starts with Duryadhana and his minister called Kanika as given below. Kanika's wrong advice to Duryodhana: Kanika was a minister and adviser...
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