Krishna Janmashtami (Jayanti) (Gokulashtami) meaning | Lord Krishna birthday meaning and other information
What is Krishna Janmashtami (Jayanti) (Gokulashtami) (Vedic) meaning | Lord Krishna birthday meaning and other information
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Just before moving towards to know about "What is Krishna Janmashtami (Gokulashtami) (Vedic) meaning | Lord Krishna birthday meaning and other information", let us know few basic information.
In this post (article), let us know the meaning of the following:
What is Krishnarghya (Krishna Arghya)? | What happens if we are not observing Upavasam (fasting) on Sri Krishna Ashtami (Sri Krishna Janmashtami)? |
What is the meaning of Sri Krishnashtami? | What is the meaning of Sri Krishna Jayanti? | What is the meaning of Gokulashtami (Gokula Ashtami)? | What is the...