Mahabharata secrets (Hidden), scientific facts, truth, mysteries, marvels
Secrets (Hidden), scientific facts, truth, mysteries, marvels of Mahabharata
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Just before going to "Secrets (Hidden), scientific facts, truth, mysteries, marvels of Mahabharata", let us have some brief information.
The Great Mahabharata is composed by Lord (Sage) Sri Veda Vyasa Ji (He is an avatar of Lord Sri Vishnu).
Veda Vyasa means, he is someone who separates (divides) the divine Vedas, so that the Kali Yuga people can understand in the much better way, as the Kali Yuga people are the least intelligent.
Here Veda = Divine Vedas, Vyasa = Someone who separates (divides) (who makes more and more simpler form).
Mahabharata is full of deep and unknown secrets.
Starting from the birth...